Thursday, December 31, 2009

How do you stay open to your marriage intimacy during such turbulence?

I have a friend... whose husband is dying and she would like to take anxiety medicine but the sexual side effects are not good and she wants to remain open intimately, but her husband is doing this self sabbotosh thing were he is loosing control over his mouth and saying more and more things that are careless and insensitive killing the would be intimacy and making her want to take the medicine even more.How do you stay open to your marriage intimacy during such turbulence?
take the drugs! you can always use lube or other things to help wiht the other side of it.

If he is dying he is probably trying to push her way so she won't grieve as much... if she could talk to a hospice worker it might help
  • makeup video
  • Why is McCain ignoring that Romney & the Mormon Church is seeking to overturn gay marriage rights?

    . . . and the initiative on the presidential ballot (Proposition 8), that the Mormons are promoting in their churches, like just last Sunday with their memo from their President Monson?

    I though non-profit churches were not suppose to have anything to do with politics, and that they are not suppose to send out political memos and political letters to their congregations. Looks like the Mormons are going to try and squash the marriage rights of gay and lesbians in California, and the Republicans are helping them.

    Interesting stuff.Why is McCain ignoring that Romney %26amp; the Mormon Church is seeking to overturn gay marriage rights?
    i am hopping McCain pick Romney for his VP it would sure mean more trouble for McCain campaign .Why is McCain ignoring that Romney %26amp; the Mormon Church is seeking to overturn gay marriage rights?
    The IRS has a section of their website that covers this:鈥?/a> Lots of different articles and such to read on the subject.

    But in short, religious organizations that are tax exempt (such as the LDS) are expected to take stances on politics that have a moral issue at the heart of it (such as abortion and gay marriages).

    ';Under the Internal Revenue Code, all section 501(c)(3) organizations are absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office. ';鈥?/a>

    Here is more info in greater detail: and here:
    That's good news .

    Now if the Mormon Church would go after illegal aliens , I might convert .

    Not anti gay .

    Not racist .

    Just a hard working American tired of the compassionate B.S and political correctness that's turning us into a liberal cesspool , Thank you very little .
    Gay marriage will get squashed in California in November. You can count on it. Hopefully Obama will get caught in the quagmire.
    I believe if God wanted marriage between two people of the same sex He would have just made another Adam and kept Eve out of the picture. There were certainly more ways to arrange for the species to regenerate than imitating apes.
    he knows its the right thing to do, but does not want the media to jump all over it and turn it against his run for office
    My answer is GOOD!
    I think the Mormon church has every right to promote the passage of the Utah ballot measure, especially if they feel strongly about marriage being between one man and one woman, or in some of their cases, several women.

    Mormonism seems to be a lot like Judaism, more than a religion - but a way of life in itself. It has rules and regulations for every aspect of a person's life, just like Judaism. That they call their leader ';president'; speaks volumes to the influence their church has on their lives. They are required to tithe at least 10% of their income, so I doubt that it is a ';non-profit'; church, so the IRS regulations concerning political activism probably don't hold true. Those regulations are a bunch of BS anyway - I have seen many democrat candidates speak from the pulpits of churches - Bill Clinton being one of the worst offenders, followed by Barak Obambi.

    I am a Catholic, and since marriage is a sanctified rite of the Catholic Church, I find the idea of two gay men or two lesbos swapping spit at the altar very offensive and will do my best to promote the passage of California's Constitutional amendment banning gay marriage on the ballot this coming November.

    This is not just a partisan measure - it is supported by both democrats and republicans who believe in the sanctity of marriage and the need to protect the traditional family unit from the gay and lesbian agenda.

    Homosexuality concerns less that 5% of the population, yet their agenda is being rammed down the throats of the other 95% of us. Our children are being indoctrinated towards the gay life style in our schools and we are being forced to accept them as ';normal'; everywhere we go.

    Yes -- I am a heterosexual HOMOPHOBE. And proud of it!

    What do you think about waiting for marriage?

    Do you think it is a good idea?

    Do you think it is better to have strong morals about this?

    Do men want to marry a girl who has waited?

    Why do people put you down if you chose not to have sex before marriage but its more acceptable to sleep around?What do you think about waiting for marriage?
    I think it is a good idea for me as it fits with my principles but it may not be right for someone else. Having sex is not immoral or wrong. It is natural it’s just that I want to be married first and in a loving and committed relationship. It is a personal choice based on your own values.

    I don’t think it makes me better than anyone else or that those who don’t wait are lacking or in the wrong. It’s a decision that you have to make for yourself and not be pressured either way by other people.



    xWhat do you think about waiting for marriage?
    ';What do you think about waiting for marriage?';

    If that's what you want to do, good for you. Personally, I waited until I graduated HS, didn't want that drama/risk pregnancy before I could get my diploma.

    ';Do you think it is a good idea?';

    It's neither good or bad, it's a personal decision.

    ';Do you think it is better to have strong morals about this?';

    I really don't see what's moral about it, let alone ';strong';. This is a personal decision, and putting a ';strong moral'; tag on it just implies that it is right to do so, and IMO it isn't right or wrong, and not something a person should be judged on.

    ';Do men want to marry a girl who has waited?';

    Some do, some don't. Depends on what kind of man you want to marry. If you are one that is willing to wait, you would probably want a man that is OK with that. If you aren't one that is willing to wait, you'd probably want a man that doesn't judge a person on that particular issue.

    ';Why do people put you down if you chose not to have sex before marriage but its more acceptable to sleep around?';

    Because they are either idiots or they've encountered too many people that have put THEM down for not waiting and are tired of being judged as being bad because they do sleep around. I've seen more judgment thrown at someone who ';sleeps around'; than I ever have seen thrown at someone who wants to wait. The majority of the time, when I've seen the waiters get judged/insulted is if they themselves judged and insulted anyone that doesn't share their view.
    1) It's a good idea if that's how you want to live your life.

    2) There's nothing wrong with morals. As long as you can live your life and not regret waiting or not waiting then that's all that matters. I know people that wished they hadn't waited so long (myself included) but I know many more people that wished they had waited. Which one will you be?

    3) I can't speak for all men but I used to want that kind of girl when I was younger. I even saved myself longer than I should have, looking for a woman that was doing the same so I wouldn't be a hypocrite. Eventually I gave up and never looked back.

    4) To justify that the decision they made in their life was the right one or to make themselves feel superior, it doesn't matter what the reason is, people will put you down over anything. It's your life not theirs. You will be the one to reap the benefits or suffer the consequences of your actions, not them, so who cares what they think.
    I don't know. I can't really fathom modern attitudes towards virginity. a lot of men on here sneer at women for not being virgins, but other men complain that women won't have sex with them. There does not seem to be any coherent consensus of opinion about this.

    I think the best thing is just to do what you want to do. If you want to remain a virgin until marriage, then do so. But it would be better to mention this to men fairly early on in your relationship, so they don't get any wrong ideas about what they can expect.

    It would also be better, if you intend to hang onto your virginity, not to put yourself in a position where a man is likely to try and put pressure on you to do otherwise. So don't be alone with him in a place where sex is likely to be an option, like his apartment or anywhere like that. Stick to socialising in relatively public places, or in groups.

    Someone said on here that it doesn't matter if they are good in bed are the words of someone who hasn't had sex with someone whose useless.

    I tried for 5 years to teach a guy what to do, finally gave up. He though he was doing everything o.k and wouldn't be told otherwise. You have no idea how frustrating and how having a poor sex life affects the rest of your day to day life.

    Men are very fickled. They all want to be the first, but are not prepared to wait til marriage. They try it on the first date and if you give in they think you're a whore and if you don't they think your frigid or a lesbian, you can't win.

    Men still think that a woman's sex drive is less than theirs, how wrong they are. We're just more selective.

    If people put others down because they choose to wait, it's only because they are jealous and regret not waiting themselves.
    Why don't you make up your own mind about this? Instead of listening to people who don't know you.

    Anyway, here goes. Do I think it is a good idea? Only if you're religious. Or don't have good contraception advise.

    No, I don't. I know old ladies who are virgins, who never met ';the one'; (or he died). They're lovely old ladies, don't get me wrong, but I think that nowadays too many men are terrified of the religious connections that come with ';waiting for marriage';.

    I think that men want to marry the girl they love.

    If people put you down because of your beliefs, the shame is theirs, not yours. It is up to you to make up your mind - they don't count in your life. You only have one life, use it well.
    Most guys I know give up on the girls that are holding out, but they'll have nothing to do with ones that are supposedly overly promiscuous. I think the key phrase here is ';use sparingly';.

    Don't bang every single guy you go out with, but if you've been going steady with one guy for a while, in this day and age it's acceptable. Just make sure he's invested some time and energy before you allow anything. Notice I said ';time and energy'; not ';cash';.
    -Yes, it's a good idea. I did it and my husband did it. My brother and his wife both did it. My brother-in-law and his wife did too, as did a bunch of my friends (I know lots of young Christian couples...). I don't think any of us regret it.

    -Yes, I do! It causes far less complications and problems and heartache when you have just one partner instead of relationship after relationship. You have less to regret and less to be ashamed about. You are far less likely to have an unwanted child or an STD. The list of pros is way, way bigger than the list of cons.

    -Yes, many do. Others want someone with ';experience';.

    -People think that experience is important. It's not. It doesn't matter if you're generally good in bed; all that matters is figuring out what works for you and your spouse. It's something that is very, very easy to learn, and you don't need to have lots of other past partners in order to make things work between you and your spouse. As for why they put you down, perhaps your good example makes them feel guilty about the choices they've made. Maybe they've got regrets.
    Yes because people are dumb and like to give each other STDs.

    I waited (not long I got married young) but it wasn't because of morals, the guys here are mostly jerks.

    My husband loves the fact that I was a virgin.

    No one put me down about it, and if they do then just say, ';At least I'm not a disease-ridden ****';

    Hope that helps!
    Excellent idea you will not regret it. ppl who sleep around will never know what it is like to save yourself for marriage. Just like they boast that you dont know what it's like to have sex. In the end they are the ones who lose. VALUE your virginity and purity, it is a very very special and precious thing!
    NO. No no and no. When you go shopping for a new pair of shoes you don't just buy them without trying them on, I mean, they might not fit! Or not feel right. Thats the same principle you use when choosing a man. What if you marry him and then when the time comes to have sex his penis is too big and its never going to give you an orgasm. Or he doesn't do the things that would drive you crazy in bed because he wouldn't want to. Or any manner of things.
    This is a personal decision, there is not a good or bad idea about it. If it works for you, fine. I think that women that sleep around are put down much more than those that wait, which is wrong because this is something that nobody should be judged about.
    I did--not until the age of 30, the day I got married. We've been married 13 years..I don't know, people used to put me down because they thought I was a goody-two shoes...I have good morals, what can you say...ignore them. It's your decision, not theirs. And yes MEN Do Like Virgins.
    marry someone when it feels right and you have faith that it's going to last. if the marriage fails, put it down to experience. you can't write your life out in stone, even if you wait.
    I think it's a personal decision but there are those who will never get married either because they don't want to or they never find the right person. Should they die as virgins as a form of ';punishment'; because of their choices?
    It is all in what you want if you are of age but think real hard about this matter. don't be crazy.
    whatever makes you happy

    there are many flavors of men who are out there waiting for every flavor of girl - some want the experienced girl, some want to teach her themselves

    don't worry about this - it is so far behind us
    Usually only extremely co-dependent, emotionally immature people make sex the basis of a long-term relationship.
    thar all the sammeee

    every women is a winner if shes hot and does not marry roosters
    it worked before, so yes.
    Not my bag, but I don't care if someone else does it, as long as they're not dating me.
    It's a good idea to, I'm planning to.
    I think it's a big mistake, and I wouldn't want to marry a virgin over the age of say 25. A girl who's waited that long is likely to have all kinds of hang-ups and misconceptions about sex. It isn't healthy. People are meant to be sexual, not repressed.

    If you can deny something like that to yourself for so long, what else are you denying yourself? What do you expect me to deny myself? What are you going to put in the heads of our children?
    Yes, I am really looking forward to marrying a woman who showed me how comfortable she is with not having sex.

    When women from that era found out he got it elsewhere they were supposed to shut up about it unless they wanted to be slapped hard. Thats the other side of the medal of the ';good old times';.

    How can some women remain virgins till marriage?

    I mean sex is so nice and pleasurable, but how can some women keep their virginity till marriage--is it that some people have different sex drives than others?

    I know that sex is a sacred thing that must be kept for only who you love buy can't it be for fun and to satisfy your sexual needs?

    All the virgins out there, how can you save it for marriage-i gues i have a high sex drive-i dunno-what do you think?How can some women remain virgins till marriage?
    A woman can acheive being virgin till she marries that's if she has got a bit of self dignity, she doesn't have to be religious to feel that she shouldn't open her legs to anyone just cos she likes him. Before she opens her legs she has to make sure that this is the man the she would like to spend the rest of her life with, otherwise you get the problem of who's the father!How can some women remain virgins till marriage?
    i'm 28 and still a virgin b/c i wanna wait until i'm married + it's in the bible that it's a sin to have sex before marriage none of u guys didn't even mention that part .

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    women have different reasons for remaining virgins till marriage. The very common and main reason out there is due to their religious reasons. It's forbidden for them to have sexual intercourse if not married. Take catholics and muslims for example, they follow the rules in their reiligon because like u said sex is a sacred thing that must be kept for only who u end up marrying and love not for every single guy out there.

    Other women I wudnt be too sure as to why they dont if it's got nothing to do with their religion; maybe it cud be for the reason that u mentioned about: ';people have different sex drives';.

    To get to the conclusion to this other than for the religious reasons u wud have to carry out a survey i guess lol which i think wud be funny.

    hope that helped
    I plan to stay a virgin till marriage and it's not because of religious beliefs either. It's just because I want my first time to be on the most special night of my life with the most special guy for me. I guess it's just something I want to be perfect because quite frankly, you only live life once, I want to live mine the ideal way for me. plus I don't see the point of opening my legs up for every guy because who knows what I might catch. %26gt;.%26lt;

    However, having said that, I do fear never being able to marry the right guy and then basically remaining a virgin forever... XD
    well im 16 and still a virgin. I think that having sex for the first time is a big thing. To me sex is more than a orgasm, it's like a unwritten commitment that says '; i love u and i want to be with u forever';. i want my first to be meaningful and not just about having an orgasm. That's why i'll wait till marriage
    I'm not going to have sex until i'm married. I mean think about it. You've already had sex lots of times. If you can just have sex with anyone you want what's it going to be like when you finally find the right person?It wont be special anymore.Sex isn't a game. It's something special you have with the person you love.Also, you don't have sex to see if you love him/her,you have sex BECAUSE you love him/her.
    it's cos they are ugly and some guy desperate not to be alone saw her on the shelf and said what the heck i'll bone chicks behind her back until we wed and then start doing her so i'll no longer be alone ever again
    will power. and some women have more important things to do than to have sex
    If you've never had it, then it's not that hard to resist :)

    Rem x
    I think your a pervert.REAL man can wait till marriage.if they really loved the girl!
    go out with an old person who is younger in the head coz they are a pervert with a small penis
    dont date anyone?

    How can i save a 27 year marriage,when your spouse is a alcoholic.?

    How can i save my 27 year old marriage,when your spouse is a alcoholic.How can i save a 27 year marriage,when your spouse is a alcoholic.?
    Look online to see if there are any AlAnon meetings in your area. AlAnon is a support group for friends and family of alcoholics. There are even divisions for teens. Hope this helps.How can i save a 27 year marriage,when your spouse is a alcoholic.?
    Alcoholism or any other addiction can destroy relationships, and the worst part of an addiction is that the person can't be helped until they decide they want to change. I suggest sitting down and talking to your spouse about what their drinking is doing to your relationship and that unless they want to change and start doing something about it you will leave and not take them back. then live with what they decide.
    Awe baby........I have the same problem. Been married 36 yrs though, and I'm probably the reason she is a drinker. there family history of alcohol abuse? Did he have a life changing experience? Are you the reason he drinks? Does he want to fight with you when drinking? Is he a nice,funny,play full kind of drunk? Do you ever drink with him? Does he hit? You didn't specify what the problem is for your trying to save your it's kind of hard to answer you. Tell us what you are feeling and maybe you will get a good answer........................We are in the same boat......GOOD LUCK
    The only way is 2 get your spouse 2 go get help either by going 2 the doctor n getting a pill (yes they have a pill 4 alcoholic's, my ex bf got some from his doctor), call or go online 2 the tv show called Intervention which helps u get your spouse help or have him go in2 a treatment center.

    The medication is called Campral if u want more information about it please visit their website: it gives u all the information u need 2 get him 2 suceed in quitting.

    If u want help thru the tv show Intervention which is a highly successful program that is very serious n the production team will help your husband on his rd 2 success by paying 4 him 2 go in2 a rehab center go 2 this website
    He needs to get sober. You need to quit kidding yourself that things can be saved while his best friend is a bottle of booze. Look up Alcoholics Anonymous in the phone book, or, go somewhere else to get help in understanding the dynamics of his addiction, and what you need to do to help him/make him change.

    The simplest way is to tell him you love him and help him stop by finding a hobby or something that he can substitute for drinking. My father has been smoking for over 20 years and this method is working for him and he kind of forgets why he even smoked in the first place.
    Seek help. If your still in love and willing to work on your marriage then that's the best option. Try remembering on what made your marriage last so long and keep that in mind for the future.
    Tell him to go to rehab or you'll leave.

    All you are doing in enabling him and it will only get worse.

    My father died at the age of 35 don't let it happen to your husband on your watch.
    Your spouse needs a reason to stop.

    Mine stopped because she got pregnant.

    If she/he doesn't stop then I would split.
    Well unless he realizes that he has a problem then there is nothing that anyone can do to help.
    Try to get em sum help..dats all you can really do..if dat dnt work den leave dnt **** up yo life 4 dem
    Try to get them to a council for guess is you already have.I would leave them you deserve to be happy.
    I don't know if you watch Intervention on A %26amp; E but I love it

    take a look at the website

    I hope it helps鈥?/a>
    There is a support group called ';Avalon';.
    need more details but support the spouse not the addiction
    go to alnon it in the phone book and on the web it helps really
    try and get them to seek help.
    if he wont give it up ..then you have to.. sorry .. buy why try ..if he wont ..

    How hard was your first year of marriage?

    Everyone says the first year of marriage is the hardest, but no one says HOW hard it is. I have been married 11 months, I would just like to get an idea of how other people's experiences have been to see if the trials we have been through are normal and surmountable. Thank you!How hard was your first year of marriage?
    The first year was hard especially because my husband and I lived in two different homes right up until the day we got married. We both had our own place and then we bought a house together 2 months after our wedding. Our problems the first year was his refusal to clean up and he wasnt giving me enough attention. The first year is the hardest because you have to go from just being boyfriend and girlfriend to married and its different. These are normal issues and Ive been with my husband 10 years. But now is the time to tell him how you are feeling so he knows.How hard was your first year of marriage?
    Well, we've been married ten months, and so far it's been very easy. We get along well, have had only one major fight, are very compatible, and are enjoying our life together. If this is the hardest it gets, we're home free! Maybe the difference is that my husband and I are middle-aged (though a first marriage for both of us). We already know ourselves well, are financially stable, emotionally mature.
    My husband and i have been happily married 18 yrs and neither 1 of us has ever found married life hard at all not even from the beginning our marriage and i guess its because we have always gotten along great and rarely fight.

    Everybody says married life is hard work but i dont see it that way at all.
    I'd have to say the first year is the easiest. I'm not quite sure why most people say it's the hardest...perhaps, it's due to the fact that most people put their best foot forward while dating, but think they can finally be themselves once they're married? Better to be yourself from the beginning, so that everyone knows what they're getting themselves into.
    The first year of my marriage was very difficult. We had cars break down, lost jobs, a serious illness,and had a baby 5 days after our first anniversary, plunging us into debt. In fact, things are still hard, there's never enough money, and always another bill to pay. However, I know that is not my husband's fault. We love each other, and work together and bear in mind that it will get better, because it can't possibly get worse. I've always heard the first 5 years of marriage are the hardest.

    I think it's to weed out the weak.
    I am now married for the second time and had to put up with my husband's mother all the time. If she wasn't calling us almost 3 times a day she would have to know where I was every minute of the day. If my husband would take me shopping and buy me something we could not tell her. She would get mad if he spent money on me. She would treat us like we are 12 years old. She is a very nosy woman. We are now living in a different state and thank God for that. We will soon be married 6 years.
    Between hubby %26amp; I, it has been a joy without many difficulties that we could not overcome with simply talking with each other. Now the ex wife and adult children have attempted to cause drama that we did not welcome. The past baggage so to say is the only true issues we have had since marrying going on 3 years ago. We did nip the drama in the bottom though by moving a little further away. :-) As long as we can always continue to be able to talk with each other, I feel we can last for as long as forever is.

    Mary in Camden, MI
    oh YES!! first year is extremly hard. my husband and i have been married almost 6months and lately we have fought almost daily. most of it is over stupid petty stuff that we cant even remember a couple days later what we fought about. but it seems that when we argue about something small it turns into a huge rediculous fight. i think what makes the fight get big is when we dont agree with eachother and we try harder and harder to get the other one to see our point of you. i dont even understand why we do this, we lived together for 1 1/2 years before marriage so i thought we got all of the adjusting out of the way. i think what makes the first yr of marriage difficult is because now your kinda ';stuck';. its not easy to just break up and move on. my husband and i are crazy in love. have sex daily, sometimes more.. always affectionate and when we're not fighting you would think we have a perfect marriage. i'm not worried about all the fighting we do, because if i thought our marriage was in trouble i doubt both of us would still be so in love, and enjoy eachother's company. we've also had a lot go on since our marriage. we moved into a new home 2wks after the wedding, then ended up relocating to a different state after the first move then we got pregnant and had a miscarriage, and we've had some financial trouble. so things have been crazy since our wedding. i think that adds stress. but i'm looking towards the future and each time we fight we try and improve the way we fight so we fight more fairly the next time. its kinda like ironing out the wrinkles in your marriage
    i got pregnant right away, i was so ill, we had to move across country,

    his mom had a fit because she figured i stole her son, we had to sell our only mode of transportation a motor cycle, he was still in college,

    but still had to work, we found an apt, the heater blew black soot all over our place, landlord wouldnt fix it, so while i am in the hosp my husband moves us out, new apt. wasnt ready because he spent all his time on foolishness and we had to stay at his moms for 2 weeks.

    i felt so unwelcome, when i told him how i felt he said then go to a women's shelter--his own wife and child, it was sad, plus it was a high risk pregnancy. i can't believe i survived it, but by our first anniversary we walked to a nice restarant, still married many yrs later.
    Wasn't hard for me at all. It's not supposed to be hard unless you don't know each other at all. I believe it should be as easy as saying ';I Do';. if either of those was hard then maybe you shouldn't be married? I don't mean to sound critical but it seems if your online asking about how the first year is,then your not happy in yours? I mean asking strangers?
    um, incredibly hard!!! i'm on 1 year 9 months and have a 6 month old baby. we're trying to stay together, it's been so hard. but honestly, only now am i starting to feel reconnected with him. we have a long way to go, but i finally feel like there's a possibility this might work. and trust me, i've been ready to walk out the door a thousand times already. hang in there...
    The first year was one of the easiest and I've been married for 19 years. Life gets harder and harder and the demands make it make more difficult. If you're having trouble in your first year, you are in for a long rocky road.
    I didn't think the first year was that hard. The second year was hardest, but a lot of that had to do with financial stress around that time.
    I hate marriage. I want another man!
    sucked balls.

    But this my last year, and it will be a good one!

    Monday, December 28, 2009

    Where online can I find statistics about marriage and divorce in Canada?

    Can you tell me which websites might help? I've googled, but I didn't find anything helpful.Where online can I find statistics about marriage and divorce in Canada?鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

    the last link was the best one for me, but I wanted to give you a few different choices of sources.

    Good luckWhere online can I find statistics about marriage and divorce in Canada?
    here you go read on

    Latest Stats Available

    Here's a sampling of some of the most recently available statistics on marriage and divorce in Canada:

    About 48.5% of the adult population in Canada was married in 2006 (as opposed to single, separated, divorced, widowed or living in common law). This is the first known time in Canadian history that the percentage was under half; according to CanWest News Service, the figure was 50.1% in 2001 and more than 60% during the 1980s.

    The number of marriages in the country was 149,236 in 2006 -- down nearly 2,000 from the previous year, but up from 148,585 in 2004.

    In 2006, there were 1,629,490 divorced Canadians -- or about 5% of the population. 941,306 (well over half) of the divorcees were female.

    As of 2006, there were 1,414,060 single-parent families in Canada -- or approximately 15.9% of all families. Of the lone-parent families, 1,132,290 were headed by the mother. In 1971, the number was approximately 476,300.

    There were 70,828 divorces in 2003 -- down from 71,144 in 2000.

    More than one-third of marriages in Canada will end in divorce before the thirtieth anniversary.

    A recent study from the National Population Health Survey shows that men between the ages of 20 and 64 are six times as likely to suffer from depression if they were divorced or separated, than if they stayed married. For women, the figure is 3.5 times as likely for the divorced or separated.

    According to the same NPHS survey, 43% of women who have undergone a marital breakup (divorce or separation) had a substantial decrease in household income, while 15% of separated or divorced men had a financial decline. ....*** MILDRED IS MY FRIEND***
    Go here, all u need:

    Stats Can is another good place to look (Statistics Canada)
    Silly Rabbit Trix are for Kids!

    Sorry, I don't know but I had to do it.

    Good luck!
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  • How many women are in a sexless marriage?

    My husband has lost all interest in sex. No, I am not fat, or ugly he complains he is ';always tired'; or has a ';head ache';. When I approach him his responce is '; gee woman, I just got into bed!'; Or, when the kids are gone, '; they just left, calm down';.

    Anyone eles in my shoes? What have you done to fix this problem?How many women are in a sexless marriage?
    I think the novelty of it all wears off after awhile. It is the media that tells us how to be regarding a lot of stuff in our lives. Ain't always so. I believe everyone has a different timetable of when they peak out. It is important that he have a physical because low thyroid or other problems, or some medications can cause a low libido. Maybe you expect too much from him after he has had a busy day. It is a proven fact that women seek love while men seek respect. Show him honor and respect and he should respond with love. I hope he doesn't have another interest elsewhere that he is trying to be faithful to. My first one was like that. God invented sex and marriage. God bless you. MmmHow many women are in a sexless marriage?
    Thoses types of addictions are sure hard to overcome.I wish you well. That would be a good question to ask on to overcome computer, video, and other types of electronic games. Sitting for hours staring at a screen is not good for ones health. God bless. Mmm

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    It happens. I am in a marriage that is turning sexless. It takes a lot of energy just to show affection to my wife. I am a tall and attractive man. We hardly argue. Believe me, I had chances to cheat on my wife. However, I would not want my wife to cheat on me and we have two children.

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    YES i was in a sexless maraige where we didnt have sex for like 4 or 5 years. it has ended in a divorce. I didnt know what his problme was but i knew he had an internet porn addictoin. wasnt til after the divorced i found out he was screwing a lot of women off the intenret and personal ads and that he had no problem having sex with them. i think he was a pervert and sex was a dirty thing for him and he couldnt fuse the loving relationship in his mind with sex. to him they were two seprate things. i was his mommy and the others, his whores. GET OUT NOW !!!!
    strange men
    Sounds familiar.......I was. We're divorced.
    I'm currently not in one, but someday I probably will be. Womens hormones start reacting in their 30s when mens hormones are actually starting to slow down :(

    So I believe alot of women will be in sexless marriages sooner or later!

    Try to spice it up more than just jumping on him. Ask him about some of his fantasys!

    For my guys birthday I am getting pin up pictures done of me...hopefully they'll come out good :)
    Some take the vows of celibacy in marriage so to overcome attachment to the material body and false conception of life. Those who are in the process of self realization take the vow to only have sex for procreation. This may sound weird but for one who understands things as they are gives up the material conception of life and renounces unnecessary bodily sense gratification. So at the time of death they will return to the eternal spiritual world. If on has any material attachments at the time of death they will have to take another material birth. (reincarnation) My husband and I love each other very much but due to understanding things as they are we have chosen to give up this false idea of love (sex) and help one another realize our eternal relationship with God also known as Krishna, Allah, Jehovah, Vishnu, etc. For more info go to harekrishnatemple.c Read Bhagavad Gita As it is By Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada- tells all about who you really are (the soul)

    Which county do you apply for your marriage license in?

    Do you apply for the county in which you live, or the one in which you are getting married in?

    Thanks!Which county do you apply for your marriage license in?
    Some states allow you to apply in any county in the state you are marrying in and some will only allow you to apply in the actual county the ceremony is being performed in.

    But if it is out of state from where you live, then you will need to apply in the state in which the ceremony will be taking place.

    Call the County Clerks Office and ask them what the laws are for the state.Which county do you apply for your marriage license in?
    Nebraska allows you to apply for the license in any county and is valid as long as you get married IN nebraska....doesn't matter which county you actually do the wedding in.

    Some states may have restrictions that are different.
    In my case, both myself and my husband were from the same county. As long as you'll be residing in the same state, you can get the license from the county you currently live in and it'll be fine.
    Either is fine, as long as it's in the same state. If you live in one state and are getting married in another state, you need to apply in the state you're getting married in.
    I was married in Nebraska. I live in Gage and got my license in Gage, but was married in Lancaster. I would think all states are the same. Just as long as you get married in the state in which you got your license.
    It depends on the state. Some don't care and others require you to apply in the county you will be marrying in.
    the one you're getting married in.
    the State you are marrying in...

    What are your views on waiting for marriage?

    What do you think of people who wait for marriage before having sex?

    Not just those that wear purity rings because not everyone does?

    Would it be really off putting to marry someone with no experience?

    Is it more likely to be girls who wait or boys?

    To be completely pure for marriage in the Christian view would that mean no kissing either?What are your views on waiting for marriage?
    I believe in following God's view on marriage and sex. I'd be careful of listening to other's responses s they base their views on their experiences and they don't always have your best interest at heart.

    I believe it is right and honorable to wait to have sex before marriage as you are honoring God with your body. I also believe it is honorable to stay away from porn as well, as we can sin with lust as well.

    As far as marrying someone with no experience I believe that is a load of crap, if we followed the bible's instruction, we wouldn't worry about these things. Satan has filled people with many lies regarding sex. I mean if you TRULY love someone, you wouldn't care how much experience. Wouldn't it be great to learn together, to share the experience as a couple.

    The bible says that the man and woman become one. Sex is not some sporting event that you want to practice so you get better. What people fail to see is the spiritual component of sex and marriage. We have to be careful what we read as things don't always line up with the TRUTH.

    Is it more likely to be boys or girls who wait for marriage? That I don't know. I think the sad thing is that people are afraid to be rejected so they have sex outside of marriage to please others. I wish more males would step up and be spiritual leaders and not give into temptations.What are your views on waiting for marriage?
    Ideally, I think you should save everything, so that means no kissing. I don't see this as a Christian issue though, I think it's a moral issue. People should wait for their spouses. It protects against having children too early, it protects against getting STDs, it guarantees that no one out there can have something your soul mate doesn't.....there's really no reason not to wait, except out of lust.

    If someone is going to be put off by finding out that their spouse isn't experienced in bed, then I don't think that person knows what it is to love someone. If you love someone, how good they are in bed, should have no bearing on anything.
    Chasity should be praised.

    Tb 6:16, Jgs 15:11, Jgs 16:26, Prv 22:11, Wis 3:13, Wis 4:1, Wis 6:20, Sir 6:28, Sir 26:20, Is 5:14, Zec 9:17.

    Chasity is preferable to marriage.

    Ps 45:15, Wis 6:20, Mt 22:30.

    Evangelical Perfection

    Mt 19:12, 1 Cor 7:25.

    Recommended to women.

    Ti 2:5
    i think its up to the individual. and i would be put off by someone with no experience, i mean u dont buy a car without taking it for a test drive do you. what if the sex was crap and all u have to look forward to was crap sex forever!!?? id say girls are more likely to wait than boys
    Would you buy a car without taking it for a test drive? Would you buy a house without looking it over and inspecting it?

    I think the notion of purity is highly overrated and is designed to devalue women, not value them.
    No that does not mean no kissing. but when your lust controls you than you draw the line. you have to wait for marriage to have sex other wise you will be committing fornication which is a sin.
    I love you, take my hymen.

    Yeah, I just don't think so. Especially since historically it's been used against, and applied only to, women
    IMHO people should have sex for the first time when it feels right for them. All this ';true love waits'; nonsense achieves is psychological and emotional damage.
    You're missing out on a lot, if you let your life be dictated by a book written by age old primitive sheepherders. A book that is about denying so much of what makes us human.
    Its really one of the silliest, most foolish, meaningless things a person could do.
    I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
    According to Bible and Quran MARRIAGE is sacred, create a Civilize society (High civilization). Quran says ';Heaven Lies at the Foot of Mother(Woman). The Old Testament says, “A virtuous woman is more precious than silver and gold.”

    Intelligence and Spirituality makes sucessful Marriages- But Love brings all, it advance us, ready for New Change, to better our relationship-God is center relationship. The Ring is Gift, but not true Gift.

    Honorable Elijah Muhammd through Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan teaches us

    God formed Himself--not from a mother, but out of the dark womb of space and said before there was Sun, there was a Woman. The Holy Qur'an teaches, ';From a single essence, He created the male and the female and from them, many men and women that include the Bible.'; The ';single essence'; is God Himself. We are born out of the very Nature of God. The Woman is made after the womb out of which God created Himself First, and in the Woman is the Secret of God, She is Second Self of God, She is Woman of God- thats How Human Beings came into existence !

    What is the nature of the woman and what is the nature of the man? The Holy Qur’an says, “Men are the maintainers of women.” It is the natural role of a man to work hard and produce what is necessary to maintain a woman and the children that are produced from that woman. As a maintainer, he is a protector, provider, and he is supposed to guide.

    Mens cannot guide a woman with sex, only and if a man is dumb enough to think that sex can guide a female, then the marriage falls apart and the relationship tumbles down. Guidance comes from the brain, not from any other part of the body. Guidance must manifest wisdom and since the Woman are the second Self of God, then the man must bring to you wisdom and truth that is from God, because the only thing that can maintain the Woman of God is the word of God, rightly brought from a man who is in the image and the likeness of God.

    There cannot be a new world except that there is a new and better understanding of the female, which will give us (men) a clearer understanding of self and above all, a clearer understanding of (God). In the Bible, (God) declares, “Behold I make all things new. What is (God’s) view of the female? She is the manifestation of His attribute of mercy to the world. She is undeserved kindness to us, for, through her we are extended through the generations. It is only through her that we live again, and again, and again. It is only through her that we continue to move toward the true perfection that (God) desires for His creation. She is the cornerstone of the family and therefore is critical in the whole process of nation and world building.

    Since, the womb of our mother is sacred, then, this teaches us that the womb of every female is also sacred, for it is from her womb that all the Scientists, Prophets, Sages, Messengers, Kings, Rulers and Gods have come and will come.

    In the Bible, St. John, Chapter 10, verse 9, Jesus says, “I am the door: By me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.” Jesus is to (God) as the passageway to the womb. Jesus is the Eternal Door to (God). Therefore, as Jesus is sacred so is the passageway to the womb also sacred, because it is the eternal door to the womb.

    What is so wrong/bad about a marriage that is an equal partnership?

    Is it a fear of loss of control? Is is a need for control that makes men want a submissive wife?

    I can verify that there is nothing better than marrying a friend who is an equal partner.What is so wrong/bad about a marriage that is an equal partnership?
    I completely agree, I grew up with a physician mother and I had an ideal childhood. Both my parents were respected professionals and warm, loving parents and partners. They both did the domestic chores. We would play board games every night and travel twice a year. My wife and I are best friends. I couldn't be happier. These guys are just completely miserable.What is so wrong/bad about a marriage that is an equal partnership?
    I don't see that there is anything wrong with it at all. And I believe that many men would prefer an equal partnership in a relationship. However, it is not for me to say that's the way all relationships should be. There are probably men and women who prefer to be in a secondary role. If that is the role they prefer and they have a partner who is willing to take the lead, then they should be allowed to divide the responsibilities in their marriage as they desire.
    Nothing, that's the best kind of relationship.

    See, many people have control issues, they have to have control of their lovers, to feel better about themselves.

    All couples are different and they should have a relationship that works best for them,traditional works best for many and non-traditional can work too, depending on the couple.
    There is nothing wrong with it if it is what you like, and what your wife likes. it's only wrong if you hanker for something else and are disatisfied with it.

    Personally, I find equality extremely boring, the last thing I want is an equal relationship, it is the death of passion as far as I am concerned. But if it makes you and your wife happy then good for you.
    Your suppositions are, I believe , correct. Men are brainwashed in this country, and many others, to be ';macho';.

    It's a myth, of course, if a man is human and in touch with his feelings, and more importantly, can share them with his wife and friends, he not only gains emotional support, he increases the chances that when tragedy comes....and it will, he'll be able to cope and survive.The truly strong silent type, if there are such creatures, aren't worth marrying. Who wants a husband that's about as comforting as a scarecrow?
    What's wrong is your complete misunderstanding of the most basic things. Life is not a business and marriage is not a partnership. Marriage, aka holy matrimony, is an honorable estate, a mystical union; in other words, a sacrament. As separation of church and state cuts both ways, your attempt to redefine marriage in liberalese terms is both arrogant and ignorant. Save such stuff for your next NOW jamboree.
    I wouldn't be happy in an unequal relationship. For a while my husband worked full time and I was a SAHM, and now it's the other way around. I know how hard he works with the kids because I've done it too. But it's a bit harder for him because like so many men he grew up in a culture where the man is supposed to provide for his family, and that's currently my job.

    I can't imagine anything more tedious than a relationship with someone who wasn't my equal.
    Nothing is wrong with an equal partnership. In my marriage, my husband and I are a team, we just have different duties. Who is the saying that doing the household chores and caring for the children is a lesser job than my husbands? It is equally as important. He makes the money, I make our house a home. We cannot live without eachother. We are a team with different jobs.
    Nothing wrong with it imo. That's the way healthy relationships work.

    BTW there have always been controlling men and women. Men don't own controlling behavior, by any stretch.

    EDIT, i can see that in your world a man whose wife is submissive is a bad man.

    What if the husband is submissive to the wife?

    Is she bad?

    Do you understand that one partner being dominant is natural?
    You know something I obey my husband; meaning I do as I am told. However, I don't always agree with him; often times we agree to disagree. In our marriage the balance shifts around quite a bit; it doesn't always stay the same. At times I have more dumped on me than what he does; other times he has more dumbed on him; than what I do; depending upon what's going on. Yet, in the end we pull through it walking hand in hand.**Shameful isn't it that some are so quick to judge when so said person(s) don't fit into others scope of thinking.
    there is no equal partnership,he does the house work and she stay watching soaps.

    men have to stay home while their wives cheat.

    I call that pathetic.

    btw not only men are controlling,women can be more controlling than men,and even though men are the boss(not women) women want to be the boss.
    When its all said and done, Id rather spend my life w/ someone that is my friend, someone that I respect and who respects me. Where I fall short, he ex cells, vice versa. How awesome it is on those fumbly sex days when you both can laugh about it, together.
    Yeah, uh huh. I'd like to see a woman who thinks she is ';equal'; in a marriage. Most are too busy telling the husband what to do. :) Sorry ladies, he made me do it! BTW I'm attracted to a strong intelligent woman.
    There's nothing wrong with it. It brings a lot of joy into the relationship.

    Men who want submissive wives are WEAK MEN. It makes them feel bigger to have someone to step on.
    There is nothing wrong or bad, just very rare, consider yourself a very fortunate man! =P
    Nothing is wrong with it. Men of quality aren't afraid of a woman seeking equality.
    Nothing, as long as you complement one another in my opinion.
    Nothing. Some people just don't believe it's possible.
    I think it is the best way to find happiness.

    How does a woman from Brazil obtain a divorce from an American man if marriage took place in Brazil?

    We live in Florida and our children were born here. I do not mind staying in Florida so we can share care of the children, but he does not want to grant a divorce because he thinks I will move back to Brazil with the children. I would like to visit there with them on occasion. Our only union ceremony took place in Brazil over 7 years ago. How do I file? Do I need to go to back to Brazil or can it be done here in Florida? I have limited financial resources.How does a woman from Brazil obtain a divorce from an American man if marriage took place in Brazil?
    As far as the law is concerned you are not married in the US. The only issue for the two of you here would be deciding custody of the children and child support. Go to your local courthouse and speak to them, they offer low cost services to help you.

    In Brazil, however, you may be married if you married in the civil and religious. If it was only a religious wedding, then legally that does not count either.

    In order for you to take the children to Brazil to visit, both you and the father have to sign so they can have a passport and visa. In addition, you will have to have a notarized letter signed by him allowing you to leave the country with them.

    How does a woman from Brazil obtain a divorce from an American man if marriage took place in Brazil?
    File in USA that is where you reside and it is all you can do at present.

    I may be wrong as I am UK


    Marriage in most countries are legal in most other countries. Did you sign a regiser in front of a legally sworn official. In other words Do you have a marriage certificate? If so then no worries. My UK marriage is legal in USA, Canada, South America and the rest, your Brazil marriage is Legal in UK, USA. Austrailia, Europe Asia and others.
    You can file for the divorce in the state that you reside in.
    If you were married overseas (unless it was on a military base) then it is not legal here.

    Friday, December 25, 2009

    Why do questions about abortion and gay marriage get removed? Are people not allowed to have opinions on this?

    I answered two questions that other people posted, one regarding abortion and the Lacy Peterson law, and one regarding gay marriage. Both questions were removed within a couple of minutes. Are we not allowed to discuss topics other than ';how much wood would a woodchuck chuck'; on here? Or is opinion really only interesting as long as it doesn't pertain to any serious matters?Why do questions about abortion and gay marriage get removed? Are people not allowed to have opinions on this?
    Searching the Community Guidlines, I can find no specific prohibition of these topics. There is a mention in the Usage catagory about prohibiting anything that angers or incites users. Perhaps they feel those topics are just too polarizing to the public.

    It's also possible (but probably unlikely) that the questioners themselves deleted the questions. I've included a link to the Community Guidelines for you to review.Why do questions about abortion and gay marriage get removed? Are people not allowed to have opinions on this?
    I believe it is all in the wording. You need to make sure you are truly asking a questions and not making a statement. As James D mentioned, check out the rules. Your questions or lack of a questions most most likely worded inappropriately. I have never had this problem.

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    Probably becuase those types of questions are too political. And it probably violates Yahoo's policy for this thing. I dunno I haven't read the policy, but that's truly my guess.
    Maybe Yahoo is a gay hater.
    Perhaps they were categorised incorrectly? Most of the dodgy questions I've seen pulled weren't in the right category. Maybe they need to add a feature to shield offendable people from the real world?
  • makeup video
  • What questions the Immigration officer asks for marriage with an american citizen?

    I just got married to an american citizen, my girlfriend, and we are prepairing to send all our pappers to immigration. I know they will make an appointment for an interview after a few months. What questions are they asking? What type of documents its recommended to take with us, besides the photo albums we made and out marriage documents? My wife didnt want to change her last name at the marriage, and I agreed with that. Do you think thats gonna be a problem? Thank you.What questions the Immigration officer asks for marriage with an american citizen?
    My wife is from Russia and when we went for our interview, the lady never asked us anything. She just looked over all of our papers and said everything was correct, and that was it. It took her about 15 or 20 minutes to look over everything, but she never asked us a question. I don't know if it made a difference, but I used an immigration attorney and my attorney had everything ready for us, but it still surprised me that she never said anything to us, so maybe it will be that easy for you as well.What questions the Immigration officer asks for marriage with an american citizen?
    this is a fact when you go for interview they will ask some of the following questions

    what side do you sleep on in bed and what side wife

    how many times sex

    when your wife has her period

    how much you pay for rent

    who pays the rent

    who writes the checks out for bills

    who's name are the cars in?

    and stuff like that

    they ask very personal questions

    you said you just got married

    you will not have an interview with immigration for about 7 years
    everything depends on where is your wife from

    What are some books to read before marriage?

    What are some books you'd recommend reading before you get married? Books essentially about what should be finished or accomplished before, maybe even from a Christian perspective. (I'm young so I want to make sure I'm not rushing into anything.)

    Thanks!What are some books to read before marriage?
    There's a good christian book called ';Before You Say I Do'; you can find it at any christian bookstore, it comes with a workbook as wellWhat are some books to read before marriage?
    Thanks guys!

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    1. For Women Only

    2. For Men Only

    Both by Jeff and Shaunti Feldhahn. They are Christian based books written after conducting 100's of interviews with all types of people, about men and women's wants and needs.

    3. His Needs, Her Needs, by Dr. Harley

    4. Before You Say I Do - H. Norman Wright

    It is also good to get some sort of pre-marital counseling. It's usually several weeks of meeting with a counselor once a month, to educate you on marriage and address potential problems and issues.

    All the best to you!
    Men are from Mars and women from Venus.

    Sorry it's not a Christian book but it is a good book in which you will learn how men think! and what are the most common mistakes women do.

    Before you get married you need to have become your own person. Finishing your education is the most important. Live a little, travel. You have your whole life to get married and have children.
    This is a good book and it helps you to understand what you want from life before you decide to share yours together.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
    From the bible:

    1 Corinthians 13:4-7

    Colossians 3:12-19

    Song of Solomon 2:10-13

    Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
    Any of Dr. Laura's books are good choices, like ';The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands'; are good choices to prepare your heart for marriage.
    Created To Be His Help Meet by Debi Perl
    '; War of the Roses';..its on DVD too

    Does anyone know if there are pre marriage courses running in Kilkenny?

    I am getting married in August and was wondering firstly if there is somewhere in Kilkenny, Ireland to do the course? Also, how soon should I do it? Do you have to leave it nearer to the wedding?Does anyone know if there are pre marriage courses running in Kilkenny?
    my fiance and i are having pre marital counselling it is very helpful,you can have sessions seperately or together,its online so you can have access from ireland using instant chat or voice chat,its affordable and effective,the counsellor is great

    http://www.onlinecounsellingserviceDoes anyone know if there are pre marriage courses running in Kilkenny?
    Sibby - go talk to your grandparents. Marriage courses my shamrock. Go talk to the older members of your family. They wil give you advice. Take it. Tailor it to today's mores and go make your marriage. The same things still apply you'll find.

    Give and take.


    Know when to say sorry.

    Give each other space to breath.


    And if at first you dont succeed.

    Then try again.

    Understand that some years you will not get on.

    Get over it.

    You work at your figure at the gym - work at your marriage the same way.

    Some days you will cry.

    Some days you will laugh.

    Some days you will do both.

    Do it together.

    Go and greet him when he gets home - from wherever you are in the house. It matters that you make an effort. He should do the same.

    And remember - no one promised it would be easy.

    Here endeth the first lesson in the marriage course.
    I'm not too sure about Ireland, but I'm Catholic and so is my husband. In order to get married we had to attend several sessions that started six months prior to our marriage (one session each month) and a retreat a few months prior to the wedding. Find out from your church, they should be able to help you.

    Do you believe in traditional marriage or freedom in marriage?

    You believe we should keep it the way it is. Opposite sex, kids, etc etc. (the ';procreation'; concept) (Try to improve on unwanted pregnancies and high divorce rate)


    freedom in marriage where people of the same sex can enjoy the benefits heterosexual couples do. polygamists should also be able to marry as well as you can marry anything, unlimited, etc etc as long as you have consent.

    What's your call?

    Please don't insult anyone because of what they believe in. Remember, you can't have everything your way.Do you believe in traditional marriage or freedom in marriage?
    Ha nice tag line.

    I believe that hetero-sexual couples and homo-sexual couples should have the same rights and be able to adopt. I'm fine with tax breaks, medical care, poa, ect ect.

    I would just prefer that homo-sexual unions are called ';civil unions'; because I believe marriage is between one man and one woman. They still have the right to say that they're a couple or they're joined.

    That is what I would prefer. However, as I have said many times before and will say now...I have better things to fight over than a definiition of a word. Health care for all! NHC!!!

    Good luck!Do you believe in traditional marriage or freedom in marriage?
    Does traditional marriage also include no inter-racial marriage, because I believe that was how it was for a long time too. Marriage can evolve to include homosexual couples, just like it evolved to include inter-racial couples. As far as Goats and Poygamists couples I'm not sure about that one, but who knows some day we as a society might be even open to that. So if I had to choose between traditional bigoted marriage or freedom marriage I would go with freedom.

    Yes, even long as the woman is 18, just like in the real world of laws. Sad though, because growing up in that atmosphere would have you pretty brainwashed into thinking it's cool to marry a grandpa.

    Here's a thought I saw on a poster in a rally lately:

    ';Britney Spears and Jason Alexander...55 hours.

    Carmen Electra and her new husband...9 days.

    Drew Barrymore and Jeremy Thomas...19 days.

    Eric and Walter....6 years. And WE threaten marriage?';
    I believe in traditional marriage... but I don't think it is my ';right'; to control the way that anyone else chooses to live.

    We all have ';free-will'; and the option to make our own choices. For the people who don't agree with my traditional views- I don't think I have the right or responsibility to decide whether or not their way of life is okay.

    So to all the people who believe they have the ';right'; to decide who should and should not be married.... I pose this question: ';Who made you God?';

    To each their own- whether I agree with their life style or not.
    To each their own. I am all for same-sex marriage and think it should be legal. I just don't get why people think they shouldn't be allowed that right. As far as polygamy, it's not for me but if the people involved are for it, than why not. As long as they are happy and can live with their choices.
    Traditional as opposed to polygamy but I think if homosexual couples want to be married they should be able to.
    traditional marriage
    Traditional marriage. I would not want to lay with a man that was just with someone else.
    I believe that marriage should be between one and one.

    Male and male, male and female or female and female. (or whichever sex they call themselves in which stage of transition they are in)

    I believe these kinds of unities should have all equal rights and benefits. There are been many arguments for and against this, but in my eyes I see the arguments against it being more petty. (not trying insult). I feel like arguments for are more reasonable and ';make sense';.

    Arguments against include things like messing up the definition of marriage, well there actually wasn't a definition of marriage the way we see it now until recently. It was never narrowed down to one man, one woman, blah blah blah.

    Homosexuals aren't trying to destroy marriage, destroy the family name, or even convert people to being gay. That's the last thing they want to do, honestly. They just want the chance to have the same rights as everyone else when it comes to their loved ones.

    Gay people can have kids as well, whether through IVF, adoption, etc. If you think all kids of gay parents are gay, that's just wrong. Almost 98% of gay people today have two straight parents. How does that work out? You aren't gay because you mom or dad or aunt or whatever was gay and you thought it looked cool.

    Why would anyone CHOOSE to be a minority and get treated like ****? Just my opinion. I don't understand why such a large amount of people would CHOOSE that for themselves.

    Parents don't teach their children sexual preference, they teach them love.

    Any way I'm getting off topic, but I'm not trying to. All I'm trying to say is that homosexual marriage isn't ';out to get anyone'; they just want to see their loved on in the hospital if they were in a crash, and such things like that.

    Some people argue, why don't they find happiness in just being with each other and ';pretending'; to be married and all that. I think some same-sex couples would be fine with not getting ';married'; per se, its just the commitment benefits that go with it. Marriage is a event when you commit yourself to the one you love. Too almost publicly show it to your family and friends, so to be denied that is almost rude.

    My question is WHY NOT?

    Beyond the religion, beyond the definition, and beyond the immature fears that gay people are going to TURN YOU or your family or friends gay.

    Are Religious Conservatives afraid to allow Gay Marriage because it might legitimize the Gay lifestyle?

    Because it might show them as regular people who are capable of a monogamous relationship and *gasp* even able to raise an adopted child in stable family unit?Are Religious Conservatives afraid to allow Gay Marriage because it might legitimize the Gay lifestyle?
    i'm religious and a republican but i don't see a problem with gay marriage so i guess that means i'm not conservative and that they will be trying to kick me out of the party soon.anyone who is responsible and stable whether they are gay or straight should be afforded the same rights in all areas of life

    i might add homosexuality has been around since the beginning can you get more legitimized than that?Are Religious Conservatives afraid to allow Gay Marriage because it might legitimize the Gay lifestyle?
    I am sorry to disappoint you but nothing will legitimize the gay lifestyle. I don't consider this to be a religious issue. Sure the Bible is against the gays, but if you look at Darwin's theory of evolution, there is no species that could survive where the male and female are not mated to generate offspring. Neither religion or human genetics are for gay unions. This is not democratic, republican, liberal, conservative, religious or atheism, it is plain and simple nature. Nature always wins.
    No. Interesting idea, but no. I'm a religious conservative and the only reason I am opposed to gay marriage is because it is a religious designed bonding between a man and a woman. Civil Unions are virtually the exact same as a marriage, but it does not interfere with religious beliefs. I do not mind the gay lifestyle or the majority of gay people. Nor am I against two homosexuals raising an adopted child.
    I don't think we are afraid of anything. We just don't think it's right and understand the slippery slope it will lead to.

    I might remind you that a WHOLE BUNCH of people who are not ';religious conservatives'; are against gay marriage simply because they think marriage should be only between a man and a woman--President Obama is one of them. The majority of voters in the very liberal state of California is another example. Most of these people are a far cry from religious conservatives.
    I think my biggest concern is people whose religious beliefs that it is wrong will be painted as some kind of backwoods idiot or homophobe. People have a right to pass their religious beliefs on to their offspring, but then we are compelled to send our kids to public schools where they will encounter the stereotypical gay teacher who does nothing but talk about his gayness all day, and undoing what we teach our children. If the schools would stick to the three R's, I'd have no problem with ';legitimizing'; the gay lifestyle. But we all know that won't happen. Our kids will run into someone like Perez Hilton, who no matter what he's doing, like judging a beauty contest, has to make everything about him being gay. We all have met people like this. People have a right to be gay. But don't tell us we don't have a right to teach our kids that certain behaviors are wrong.

    Thumbs down all you want, I'm just giving you my honest answer about my concerns.
    Yes. Of course, though they have already begun to put a stop to legitimizing families as well.

    So far, 4 states ban ALL adoptions and ALL foster care to ALL gay couples (married or not) AND ALL single people. So, while the right keeps demanding abortion be outlawed, they also keep banning more than half the US population from caring for the already 3 million children in foster care/group homes. In Arkansas alone, this has led to 12,000 kids being removed from their homes. Thousands of kids were removed from their own relatives due to this new law, as their grandmother was widowed and/or their aunt was gay/unmarried.
    I don't know why. Gays are already 'legal'. People can no longer discriminate against them in the workplace, school, bars or whatever. There are laws in place already. Haters of gays have no choice but to deal with them in this world. Or keep killing them just because they are gay, to which they face prison or getting killed by other gays. (gays have guns too). The motto should be, don't bother gays, and gays won't bother you.

    the Vatican recently approved a '; Downgrading of Sins'; by Stating that it was all right to believe that their are Alien Beings in the Universe....

    it used to be a Sin to believe in Alien Xistence~!

    mus-ta been quite a few Followers that urged the Vatican to Change the Rules.....

    BUT, what if those Aliens, if they ever visit, are Gay and Married.....?

    they would have to just throw the Whole Damn Rule-Book down the Crapper~!
    Why is it that they demand for marriage when civil union is a sensible compromise?

    Isn't it true that the ONLY reason the Gay community demands marriage and marriage only is to FORCE the church to accept the gay lifestyle?

    What other motive could there possibly be?
    Is the real reason gay people want a STATE SANCTIONED marriage to get tax benefits??

    In my opinion, being married shouldn't gain you extra tax benefits. But it does.....

    Seems like if the state would get out of the business of marriage, people could do what they wanted how they wanted.
    Every time this issue has been put to a vote gay marriage has lost. Do you have a problem with Democracy or what?

    By the way both Obama and Biden ran against gay marriage in last fall's election. Dose that mean you consider them to be religious conservatives?
    Even if gay marriage is legalized, it isn't going to make it okay to those who don't believe it is right. Just because something is legal doesn't make it right.
    That's the least of the reasons. The main reason they are against gay marriage is because it will force open the closet doors on thousands of them that have their same-sex lovers on the side and still claim to be so ';righteous.';
    Guess I want our son to have children that are related to us kind of like grand children. . Don't know if that could happen adopting, not that there is anything wrong with that.

    to each his own, just my feelings.

    And I am not a religious conservative
    No, marriage is between a man and a woman. Sorry, but it is not an attack on your gay life style-although you choose to see it as such.
    Why should a religious person have to forcefully accept the gay lifestyle. The push for gay marriage is more to infiltrate the Church to change their views.
    It's pretty much just that the institution of marriage is the last thing that the Church really has any control over. So they freak out over the issue because it's all they have to hold on to
    No. I am all for civil union. Gay Marriage does not exist. And as far as your other comments, gay people cheat too and some are not fit to be parents. The same as it is for some heterosexual couples.
    Why are YOU so afraid of Hetero-sexuals?

    Are YOU a ';HeteroPhob';?
    Nothing in the universe could legitimize the gay lifestyle. Two men is not a stable family unit.
    obama is against gay marriage

    california is against gay marriage

    why are you talking about conservatives then
    Why in the world would a man prefer anal sex to an organ that was designed to take the male sex organ?

    What a queer subject anyway.
    Combine that with the fact religious conservatives are full of hate and you have your answer.
    That and because they're religious fundies who want nothing more than the bible to be the governing document of the land......
    Religious Conservatives hide behind their bibles, twisting and reshaping the bible to what they need at that minute.
    I don't know.

    Why don't you ask Obama

    Since he is against Gay Marriage.
    I would suggest you address this question to President Obama since he is the one who cost the gays the vote instead of attcking a particular group.
    That, and because their holy book says it is wrong. Also, they just don't find it to be morally correct. A bad argument would include that they feel it is wrong, and all gays shouldn't exist, where as a good argument would argue that biologically, it is incorrect for homo's to exist together. However, in the end, it really comes down to moral issues, and religious conservatives, especially, will have problems with gay marriage.
    If only that were true...

    They seem to be more concerned with that subsidy they will have to share with others. You know. The tax code subsidy for marriage and reproduction? Why would they want to share that when they can show their greed by not sharing it?鈥?/a>

    Under Sharia Law, polygamy is allowed. The changing of marriage law will also open the door for this horrible mess the muslims plan for our country. NO NO NO. Stop messing with marriage.
    yea but it also is offensive and degrades the family tradition.