Friday, December 25, 2009

Are Religious Conservatives afraid to allow Gay Marriage because it might legitimize the Gay lifestyle?

Because it might show them as regular people who are capable of a monogamous relationship and *gasp* even able to raise an adopted child in stable family unit?Are Religious Conservatives afraid to allow Gay Marriage because it might legitimize the Gay lifestyle?
i'm religious and a republican but i don't see a problem with gay marriage so i guess that means i'm not conservative and that they will be trying to kick me out of the party soon.anyone who is responsible and stable whether they are gay or straight should be afforded the same rights in all areas of life

i might add homosexuality has been around since the beginning can you get more legitimized than that?Are Religious Conservatives afraid to allow Gay Marriage because it might legitimize the Gay lifestyle?
I am sorry to disappoint you but nothing will legitimize the gay lifestyle. I don't consider this to be a religious issue. Sure the Bible is against the gays, but if you look at Darwin's theory of evolution, there is no species that could survive where the male and female are not mated to generate offspring. Neither religion or human genetics are for gay unions. This is not democratic, republican, liberal, conservative, religious or atheism, it is plain and simple nature. Nature always wins.
No. Interesting idea, but no. I'm a religious conservative and the only reason I am opposed to gay marriage is because it is a religious designed bonding between a man and a woman. Civil Unions are virtually the exact same as a marriage, but it does not interfere with religious beliefs. I do not mind the gay lifestyle or the majority of gay people. Nor am I against two homosexuals raising an adopted child.
I don't think we are afraid of anything. We just don't think it's right and understand the slippery slope it will lead to.

I might remind you that a WHOLE BUNCH of people who are not ';religious conservatives'; are against gay marriage simply because they think marriage should be only between a man and a woman--President Obama is one of them. The majority of voters in the very liberal state of California is another example. Most of these people are a far cry from religious conservatives.
I think my biggest concern is people whose religious beliefs that it is wrong will be painted as some kind of backwoods idiot or homophobe. People have a right to pass their religious beliefs on to their offspring, but then we are compelled to send our kids to public schools where they will encounter the stereotypical gay teacher who does nothing but talk about his gayness all day, and undoing what we teach our children. If the schools would stick to the three R's, I'd have no problem with ';legitimizing'; the gay lifestyle. But we all know that won't happen. Our kids will run into someone like Perez Hilton, who no matter what he's doing, like judging a beauty contest, has to make everything about him being gay. We all have met people like this. People have a right to be gay. But don't tell us we don't have a right to teach our kids that certain behaviors are wrong.

Thumbs down all you want, I'm just giving you my honest answer about my concerns.
Yes. Of course, though they have already begun to put a stop to legitimizing families as well.

So far, 4 states ban ALL adoptions and ALL foster care to ALL gay couples (married or not) AND ALL single people. So, while the right keeps demanding abortion be outlawed, they also keep banning more than half the US population from caring for the already 3 million children in foster care/group homes. In Arkansas alone, this has led to 12,000 kids being removed from their homes. Thousands of kids were removed from their own relatives due to this new law, as their grandmother was widowed and/or their aunt was gay/unmarried.
I don't know why. Gays are already 'legal'. People can no longer discriminate against them in the workplace, school, bars or whatever. There are laws in place already. Haters of gays have no choice but to deal with them in this world. Or keep killing them just because they are gay, to which they face prison or getting killed by other gays. (gays have guns too). The motto should be, don't bother gays, and gays won't bother you.

the Vatican recently approved a '; Downgrading of Sins'; by Stating that it was all right to believe that their are Alien Beings in the Universe....

it used to be a Sin to believe in Alien Xistence~!

mus-ta been quite a few Followers that urged the Vatican to Change the Rules.....

BUT, what if those Aliens, if they ever visit, are Gay and Married.....?

they would have to just throw the Whole Damn Rule-Book down the Crapper~!
Why is it that they demand for marriage when civil union is a sensible compromise?

Isn't it true that the ONLY reason the Gay community demands marriage and marriage only is to FORCE the church to accept the gay lifestyle?

What other motive could there possibly be?
Is the real reason gay people want a STATE SANCTIONED marriage to get tax benefits??

In my opinion, being married shouldn't gain you extra tax benefits. But it does.....

Seems like if the state would get out of the business of marriage, people could do what they wanted how they wanted.
Every time this issue has been put to a vote gay marriage has lost. Do you have a problem with Democracy or what?

By the way both Obama and Biden ran against gay marriage in last fall's election. Dose that mean you consider them to be religious conservatives?
Even if gay marriage is legalized, it isn't going to make it okay to those who don't believe it is right. Just because something is legal doesn't make it right.
That's the least of the reasons. The main reason they are against gay marriage is because it will force open the closet doors on thousands of them that have their same-sex lovers on the side and still claim to be so ';righteous.';
Guess I want our son to have children that are related to us kind of like grand children. . Don't know if that could happen adopting, not that there is anything wrong with that.

to each his own, just my feelings.

And I am not a religious conservative
No, marriage is between a man and a woman. Sorry, but it is not an attack on your gay life style-although you choose to see it as such.
Why should a religious person have to forcefully accept the gay lifestyle. The push for gay marriage is more to infiltrate the Church to change their views.
It's pretty much just that the institution of marriage is the last thing that the Church really has any control over. So they freak out over the issue because it's all they have to hold on to
No. I am all for civil union. Gay Marriage does not exist. And as far as your other comments, gay people cheat too and some are not fit to be parents. The same as it is for some heterosexual couples.
Why are YOU so afraid of Hetero-sexuals?

Are YOU a ';HeteroPhob';?
Nothing in the universe could legitimize the gay lifestyle. Two men is not a stable family unit.
obama is against gay marriage

california is against gay marriage

why are you talking about conservatives then
Why in the world would a man prefer anal sex to an organ that was designed to take the male sex organ?

What a queer subject anyway.
Combine that with the fact religious conservatives are full of hate and you have your answer.
That and because they're religious fundies who want nothing more than the bible to be the governing document of the land......
Religious Conservatives hide behind their bibles, twisting and reshaping the bible to what they need at that minute.
I don't know.

Why don't you ask Obama

Since he is against Gay Marriage.
I would suggest you address this question to President Obama since he is the one who cost the gays the vote instead of attcking a particular group.
That, and because their holy book says it is wrong. Also, they just don't find it to be morally correct. A bad argument would include that they feel it is wrong, and all gays shouldn't exist, where as a good argument would argue that biologically, it is incorrect for homo's to exist together. However, in the end, it really comes down to moral issues, and religious conservatives, especially, will have problems with gay marriage.
If only that were true...

They seem to be more concerned with that subsidy they will have to share with others. You know. The tax code subsidy for marriage and reproduction? Why would they want to share that when they can show their greed by not sharing it?鈥?/a>

Under Sharia Law, polygamy is allowed. The changing of marriage law will also open the door for this horrible mess the muslims plan for our country. NO NO NO. Stop messing with marriage.
yea but it also is offensive and degrades the family tradition.

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