Anyone eles in my shoes? What have you done to fix this problem?How many women are in a sexless marriage?
I think the novelty of it all wears off after awhile. It is the media that tells us how to be regarding a lot of stuff in our lives. Ain't always so. I believe everyone has a different timetable of when they peak out. It is important that he have a physical because low thyroid or other problems, or some medications can cause a low libido. Maybe you expect too much from him after he has had a busy day. It is a proven fact that women seek love while men seek respect. Show him honor and respect and he should respond with love. I hope he doesn't have another interest elsewhere that he is trying to be faithful to. My first one was like that. God invented sex and marriage. God bless you. MmmHow many women are in a sexless marriage?
Thoses types of addictions are sure hard to overcome.I wish you well. That would be a good question to ask on to overcome computer, video, and other types of electronic games. Sitting for hours staring at a screen is not good for ones health. God bless. Mmm
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It happens. I am in a marriage that is turning sexless. It takes a lot of energy just to show affection to my wife. I am a tall and attractive man. We hardly argue. Believe me, I had chances to cheat on my wife. However, I would not want my wife to cheat on me and we have two children.
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YES i was in a sexless maraige where we didnt have sex for like 4 or 5 years. it has ended in a divorce. I didnt know what his problme was but i knew he had an internet porn addictoin. wasnt til after the divorced i found out he was screwing a lot of women off the intenret and personal ads and that he had no problem having sex with them. i think he was a pervert and sex was a dirty thing for him and he couldnt fuse the loving relationship in his mind with sex. to him they were two seprate things. i was his mommy and the others, his whores. GET OUT NOW !!!!
strange men
Sounds familiar.......I was. We're divorced.
I'm currently not in one, but someday I probably will be. Womens hormones start reacting in their 30s when mens hormones are actually starting to slow down :(
So I believe alot of women will be in sexless marriages sooner or later!
Try to spice it up more than just jumping on him. Ask him about some of his fantasys!
For my guys birthday I am getting pin up pictures done of me...hopefully they'll come out good :)
Some take the vows of celibacy in marriage so to overcome attachment to the material body and false conception of life. Those who are in the process of self realization take the vow to only have sex for procreation. This may sound weird but for one who understands things as they are gives up the material conception of life and renounces unnecessary bodily sense gratification. So at the time of death they will return to the eternal spiritual world. If on has any material attachments at the time of death they will have to take another material birth. (reincarnation) My husband and I love each other very much but due to understanding things as they are we have chosen to give up this false idea of love (sex) and help one another realize our eternal relationship with God also known as Krishna, Allah, Jehovah, Vishnu, etc. For more info go to harekrishnatemple.c Read Bhagavad Gita As it is By Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada- tells all about who you really are (the soul)
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