Saturday, January 23, 2010

Can my husband can my children from a previous marriage on his tax return?

My children do get a disability income from social security because their father is disabled. The kids live with us fulltime.Can my husband can my children from a previous marriage on his tax return?
It depends on more than what you've told us. Court order? Has He adopted them? Depending on these details, I'd say You can, but your hubby can't, given what you have said.

I'm not sure what kind of Penalty He may face if he does so inappropriately. Consult a tax Attorney.Can my husband can my children from a previous marriage on his tax return?
I think your asking if your husband can claim your children on his tax return. The answer is in the instruction book. If you have full custody or physical custody. They live with you for six months and you provide more than half of their support then the answer yes.
that depends on what your divorce decree says. Generally, the parent who pays 50% or more of a child's expenses gets to claim them as a deduction. You may have to go to court to have that evaluated.
As long as you can prove that you support them more than 50%. Of what you get for them from social security. But that doesn't come out of your husbands pocket, So I don't see why you can't.
Usually in the divorce decree it is established who is able to claim the children on the tax returns.
Need more information to give you an intelligent answer without guessing.
if he is financially responcible for them
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