Why do these people wish to redefine marriage?Why do people seek to redefine the meaning of marriage?
They are undermining our traditional institutions (of equality and freedom)!Why do people seek to redefine the meaning of marriage?
Narrow mindedness. The reason California had the definition as a union between two consenting adults was so people who live together as mates could file joint tax returns. Ninety percent of the hoopla would go away if the National and State governments would just not make marriage a requirement to file a joint tax return.
Well, technically they just wanted it changed back to the old definition (all old dictionaries, and a lot of new ones, have the ';man and woman'; phrase in the definition of ';marriage';). But just because that's the old way doesn't mean it's right. For example, slavery was originally legal in all 13 colonies.
marriage has been redefined repeatedly throughout the years. it's only very recently that people chose who they are going to marry.
unfortunately, the sloppy and slow masses in california are trying to redefine it to take away basic civil rights from people because of the kind of sex they have. give it time, the supreme court will fix it.
I know, just like in the 19th century when all of a sudden marriage was about love, and not keeping women as property. What a bunch of tripe, keep the Biblical definition of marriage: one man and an indeterminate number of women to be bought and sold.
If you make all the laws completely conform to the constitution, where else can you go? The Christians just wanted to keep some of our segregation alive so we can have something to improve on for next year. It's a clever tactic I use in the workplace to make sure I am always improving.
Because it is unconstitutional not to. That doesnt mean it has to be approved by the church, but by discriminating on a group in a historically government based institution (marriage) is unconstitutional
Honestly, it's a fallout from the Victorian ages, people are too soon to forget that just 100 years ago marriages really were still arranged in America. It was all political, love was not even a factor. This freedom has gone to their heads.
Because somehow homosexuality threatens their heterosexuality.
However, I wonder how. Doesn't the only people that the act of homosexuality bother be the people who intend to spy on them? I mean who else would care what Bob and Tom do in their bedroom?
The one and only type of marriage that God sanctifies is a marriage between one man and his wife.All other types of marriage is blasphemy.
Some people are just that ignorant.
Some people need someone to pick on.
Others need the entire gay community to pick on.
It's very sad indeed that some need to ignore facts and deny rights just to make themselves feel safe.
Because they are incredibly insecure, and just about anything has the potential to rock their worlds.
Fear rules every non-sensical decision.
they are afraid to see two homosexuals happy together. that would ruin their lives and they would only be able to bully the atheists then
Because too many Americans are homophobes.
Because they are those bigotted dolts that some parts of America seem amply blessed with
religion poisons everything...
Forget ';REdefining'; it. Why did ';people'; think they had the ability to DEFINE it in the first place?
Methinks they doth protest too much.
After the word ';BIGOTRY'; what is there to understand?!!!
No redefining. It means what it always HAS meant. A union between a man and woman.
Sorry, Adam and Steve.
so they can continue sinning and have someone condone it..
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