Think of the world we live in now, only female-friendly. Women are no different than men when it comes to the basic human condition. Given the same powers, opportunities and responsibilities of men, they would act in very much the same way.
Think of it like this: in society, there are the haves and the have-nots. The difference between them isn't fundamental, its social. If you make the have's the have-not's and the have-nots the have's, eventually the situation replicates the previous one. The have-nots are not any less prone to corruption, to pettiness, to insensitivity, to rampant materialism, they just do not have the means to fully explore it. The haves, meanwhile, are not any less prone to self-sacrifice, to community, to striving for a life, to meanness and despair, to hope; it is just their circumstances that prevent themselves, and others, from seeing it.
Power, corruption, powerlessness, virtue; these are not biologically determined. Just as in a patriarchal society, the happiness of some will be contrasted with the misery of others, misery that will cause social change to take place regardless. It already happened once: the world did have a strong matriarchal culture a long long long time ago, which is a meaning hidden in the myths of Pandora's box and the Garden of Eden. The reason no one remembers, or has much evidence of it, should be quite evident: matriarchal culture was orally-based, not document-ary based. Nothing easier to erase than a culture that does alot of talking but not alot of writing.What would marriage look like in a matriarchal society?
Men ruled and most laws of the land and world are their laws. I think the emotional aspect of humans lead us to monogamy, I mean how many men have killed this wives or girl friends in a jealous rage. Even men that cheat prefer to be with women who do not cheat, and are easily angered if their mates cheats on them.
You men created this mess .... but it when if backfires you all females whores and other nice names -- ha-ha
There are quite a few matriarchal societies still existing in the world. for one such families invariable have a higher literacy rate,there is full respect for both the males and females. I cant see the institute of marriage deteriorating in the way you have described. In fact monogamy would be highly regarded considering the nurturing nature of women
monogamy is a female concept that was legislated in place by male rulers IMO
I would not fancy an open marriage myself, but then I would not fancy living in a matriarchal society. However, there never has been one, and I very much doubt there ever will be.
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