Thursday, January 21, 2010

Why is my decision to remain a virgin until marriage such a problem for guys?

I think my boyfriend broke up with me because he wanted to do it and he knew of my decision to stay a virgin wayyyy before he broke up with me.

So because I have respect for my body and all that, it's a problem?? This pisses me off.Why is my decision to remain a virgin until marriage such a problem for guys?
The right man will respect and admire that choice!

It wont work with anyone else either!

Yeah it is annoying but I wouldnt let it get to me to much because obviously he wasnt right for you!!!

You are worth more then that!

The right guy will come!


keep thinking of your body for what it is!

You should be proud of yourself!Why is my decision to remain a virgin until marriage such a problem for guys?
It's a problem because guys are horny and it seems the expected thing these days. But stay strong, I did the same, I had to wait a whole 27 years, but I am totally glad I waited!

Actually, holding back on guys really shows you what they are really like, and the good ones will respect your self-respect. I had some guys who fobbed me off immediately when they realised they weren't going to get any, I had some who promised to wait but couldn't in the end, I had some (four) who actually proposed because they believed they loved me (but weren't what I wanted plus I think it was more the pursuit they were in love with), and I met one who felt the same way and was waiting himself. I married him.
If all he wanted was to get in your pants, then you are better off without him. You'll find someone someday who respects you for who you are :)

But just because a girl has sex, doesn't mean she doesn't have respect for her body. It just means she wants to share a bodily connection with another human being. Sex is not right or wrong, it's just what it is. However, the reason people have sex should be for love and love only. So i', not saying you should or shouldn't wait until marriage, because that's your choice. However, i please urge you to wait for once you can do it with someone you trust and love.
In my view, staying a virgin until you're married just doesn't make sense. It used to, back in the days when there was no birth control and girls got married in their teens, but these days almost all adults recognize that it just isn't sensible.

Very few people are virgins when they get married. Even devoutly religious people have sex before marriage, although they would never admit it. And guess what? Surveys have shown that our parents and grandparents frequently had sex before marriage too. There were even times when a woman couldn't get married unless she was pregnant, proving that she was fertile. That's why women got engagement rings, to compensate them for having premarital sex if the marriage didn't occur.

You can respect your body without staying a virgin. You have to be choosy about who you are with and be safe. You don't say how old you are, but I would say that it's only important to remain a virgin until you're an adult.
If he doesn't respect your decision then he isn't the right guy for you, and you should be glad to be out of that relationship. My first boyfriend told me that he was fine with me wanting to stay a virgin, but he would always try to push me to change my mind. He was also a loser.

There are plenty of guys out there who will not only respect your decision, but have made that decision for themselves as well.

Stick to your decision and don't let anyone try to get you to change your mind.
Well you are a smart girl! Obviously you didn't need to stay with him anyway. The only real point in dating is to find someone to spend the rest of your life with. If you aren't into finding someone, then you date to have pleasure which would involve sex before you were married. I'm guessing that you're going for the first reason. When a guy respects your wishes and respects you the way you respect yourself, then you will know that he is the right person for you. You need to continue to respect yourself. That is the most important thing you can do. Surprisingly there are guys out there that will respect you and your personal values. I found one that said that we were going to wait and then a couple of YEARS into the relationship it just kind of happened. There was no hard feelings, no pressure, and no regrets. That's what you need. Someone that you can agree with and have similar values as. Good luck and stay strong!
Good!!! you have every right to wait til marriage, Guys want those ';whats in your pants'; and probably leave you. So then you will end up like my couasin here, who is crazy for this ONE guy and thanks to him she has been obsessed with him for almost 2 years now, she can't get with another guy and when she does, her ex comes back to torment her, Girls that holds it til the end are the strong ones in the end, if your boyfriend truly loved(or loves) you then he would have waited until you were ready. If not, he wasn't worth it. With my first boyfriend i didnt wanna give it up to him and after 4 years, he finally decided to cheat on me. In other words, he wasn't worth it. Now im with someone else and its been a year and 4 months, and he reminds me everyday that he is going to continue waiting for me.

That proves to me that he is not in it for sex he is in it cuz of my personality. and THAT is the kind of guy you need, not that jerk what wanted whats in your pants more than your own personality...

I hope I helped! if so, please rate/vote for my answer to be as ';Best Answer'; Thank you!! %26lt;3!
What's with all the anti-guy propaganda?!

We are still human believe it or not, he had the right to break up with you because you didn't what he wanted so he went away to get his ';fix';. He knew about your decision but he gave it a try and got it as far as he could, until you disagreed in a point that was important to you both, so you shouldn't be angry he's just doing what is natural broke up with someone that wasn't compatible to his beliefs. And I assume you would have done the same, if he forced you into sex, which is probably what he tried so I think you are better off that way.

Reading some of the answers before I think that yes guys are a bit more physically oriented while girls are more emotionally connected, so as you can see it was expected that the next logical step for him would be doing it while for you maybe it was bonding more deeply.

I'm not saying that you should go jump the first guy you see because I also accept and pretty much believe in no sex before marriage so it wouldn't be a problem fro me but I think you should understand that guys including me tend to look for more deep physical connection, but I believe more in that you have to respect your body.

Just don't say that all guys are walking sex-crazed machines, some of us can be nice every once in a while.
I'm a guy so I know what goes through our heads. But I don't really know, my ex probably thinks I dumped her because she didn't want to have sex, but it's not because of that. I'm a virgin as well but the reason I haven't is because I haven't found the girl I want to lose my virginity too. Most guys like to bull **** and talk around about how they had sex and it was great and stuff and that's all they really use it for is for bragging rights. A real man would do it and keep it to himself and not have to run around gloating it to everyone. So I'd go looking for a real man that actually cares about a relationship. And ask in the beginning if it will bother him so you can weed the bad ones out.
Well, it today's society, waiting until marriage until you have sex is becoming less common. So if I guy wants to have sex, and you say no, more than likely he will break it off there because there would be no point in continuing the relationship. He has lost all incentive to stay with you. Don't worry though, I'm sure you can find a guy who wants to wait, or one who won't mind waiting for you.
Women want emotional fulfillment and men want physical fulfillment. How about you don't get emotional fulfillment until we get physical fulfillment? Sound crappy? Yea we thought so.

That and we like to know how the car drives and how often it does. We don't think you are dirty or anything if you give it to us we just hate not getting our half of the bargain.

Women expect everything and men get generally nothing out of it except for a trophy of a woman...until we figure out you are wasting our time and try to find one that won't.

It's just super annoying sometimes. Sometimes we don't care. Don't worry about it. Just do w/e you want ok? Don't do anything you don't want to. We are all different...but yea that's generally why we hate it.

He stayed with you because he either thought he could deal with it or thought he could change your mind.
if a guy breaks up with you just because you wanna stay a virgin and stay pure til you're married, then he's a jerk. he obviously only wants that out of you and he doesn't deserve you if all he wants is sex in life. that will get him or any guy no where.
Good JOB Hun!! Way to go, damn I am so proud of you and I don't even know you.

Guys have the pressure of ';being cool'; and therefore want a girlfriend who has sex with them. Its cheesy as hell but the truth is that if you find someone who loves you and who is worth staying with, they won't care about what they are getting out of your body.

Once again, me and hundreds of thousands of others are proud of you.
It's a problem w/ guys because they all think they are Casanovas and can talk a girl into anything. Then when they don't get their way, they move on. A lot of the time even when they do get their way, they are looking for the next one to cheat with.

You go girl!

Stand your ground and you will meet a great guy when the time is right.
Why would you be angry over this? You have every right to keep your virginity, just like he has every right to break up with you for whatever reason. You cant always have everything your way.

Guys who want sex in a relationship are not pigs or perverts or anything. All MATURE relationships contain sex. It is normal and healthy. It doesnt make you a s.lut, it doesnt make him a user.
Good for you that you want to remain a virgin til marriage. If guys can't see you have standards for yourself and can't respect them, then they're definitely not looking for an actual relationship if they only want to have intercourse with you. You're too good for them.
he probably thought he could convince u to have sex with him ...but it didn't work so he gave up.

forget about him - he's obviously not very worthy of you.

maybe u could find a guy who thinks the same as you.

it really is a test see how much they like you.

it will be difficult tho ..since most guys want sex. for a lot of them its on their mind all the time ...way more than it is for most of us girls.
first of all awesome that your pure!

second the guy that is right for you will love the fact you are waiting for him:) it's all good homes:) just hang in there most guys are pigs but there will be one to love you for all you are and not what you will do with him
well girl it sounds like you are to good for him to me

if breaks up with you for that reasin then that means that he is nothing but a pig, and he has no respect for yourself

but you should keep it girl, dont worry about none of these little boys

i really hope this helps

He's just insecure and can't take it that you're respecting your body. stick by your values girl. You can only give it away once. Make it worth while:) and enjoy it when it does happen. There is no rush to the rest of your life!
You are doing the right thing for you, and that is what matters. What you think of yourself is much more important than what some horny guys think. Wait until you are ready, and then you won't ever have any regrets.
If a guy really respects you, loves you,etc it won't be a problem. But sadly, I've never met that guy. I'm divorced a decided to be celebate unless I remarry.
Nope. No problem. Just the guy wasn't right for you. Find a good religious man that respects celibacy and chastity. They won't pressure you much if at all.
Well, you made this decision thus you are going to have to face some of the consequences. This is one of them.
its because all they want is sex. guys think about sex a lot. there are the rare few who are sweet about it but for the most part sex is what they want
well he only wanted you for sex anyways. but try to find more christian guys, even if your not looking for that kind of guy, then theres guys who would wait anyway if they actually loved you.
Men only date women to get sex.. and are not interested in the thoughts or feelings of the woman they are with...and they do not want to kills their promiscuity..
not the right guys.

when you find the right guy, he's not gonna break up with you cuz you wont have sex with him.

hold out for the ONE
Yeah, a lot of guys want to before marriage, so you might have problems getting a guy.
keep it up girl!!! I back you - I am doing the same thing. I am staying that way until I get married to 'the one'.

I won't give in, EVER!!
Guys are pigs.

But good for you for having morals, that's really rare these days

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