Why not ban Divorce before banning gay marriage... Why do people say that gay marriage is a threat to marriage?
Because special interest groups have propagated this idea to instill fear in the masses. What if our children had to find out that same sex couples are not evil. What would we do?
The institution of marriage is so pure these days. Yeah right. Infidelity, spousal abuse, child abuse . . . now these are threats. Imagine the horror if we allowed families to have two loving mommies, or two loving daddies?
I have an idea for everyone out there. If you are not gay, marry someone of the opposite sex - it will be ok. Those evil, sinful gay people will not get you or your children. I promise.
Why do people say that gay marriage is a threat to marriage?
Divorce is the end of a single marriage.
Gay marriage would be the end of traditional marriage.
People who want to maintain the traditional definition of marriage therefore see gay marriage as a threat since it would bring in a new definition and do away with the old.
That's why they say it.
Thumbs down all you like, the question asked why, and what I said is why. Reality isn't only made of things you like to hear.
Because if they tried to sway people with their real motivations, homophobia, bigotry, fear of their own latent tendencies, etc, they'd get laughed off the planet.
Not wanting that, they invent red herrings like ';it's a threat to traditional marriage'; (it's a shame they have such weak marriages, isn't it?), ';it's to protect the children'; (from what? their own ugly prejudice?), or ';god doesn't like it'; (attempting to shunt the blame for their hatred onto the almighty so they can use the infantile ';I didn't do it'; excuse.).
They are ignorant hicks, even if they happen to live in urban areas. They can't get away with racial bigotry, any more, so they attack another group. Pathetic.
Gay marriage isn't what people are upset about. It is redefining what marriage is. The gay part isn't the bad part. People are concerned that if we redefine what marriage is, then can two women ';marry'; one man so they both can be on his insurance? Do two just casual friends get ';married'; so their taxes will be cheaper? Do children start getting ';married'; because the kid's parents insurance is better? I think that is what is the most concerning about gay marriage. I don't think it is a matter (except to the most religious) of not letting gay people have a lifelong legal bond to someone. It is a matter of changing what marriage is.
Divorce is the biggest threat to marriage because it dissolves marriage and makes it less binding.
Although a long time ago single individual marriage is what threatened what was defined as marriage because marriage originally involved one man and multiple women. So the people who are now complaining that you cannot change the meaning of marriage are wrong....it has been changed in the past to fit your criteria but you don't want it to change to fit anyone else's....typical hypocrites.
they say this because they think its a threat to the norms of society, also the conventional family is the nuclear one, where it consists of a female and male married to one another with children. if gay marriages where to be legalized then it would threaten what society views as ';normal';
divorce and gay marriage are two different things, banning divorce isn't a smart idea, imagine living with someone for the rest of your life being in a physically abusive relationship, or being unhappy, being cheated on, being treated like nothing, these are just a few examples of why divorce is legalized
moreover, the world is dominated by christian beliefs, legalizing gay marriages goes against everything religion stands for, the judges, the law, the crown (queen) they all uphold orthodox beliefs...
that's why i think people say those things anyways
You're being unfair with your headliner question.
How so?
By how you phrased your subquestion.
I haven't heard anyone saying that gay marriage is the greatest threat to marriage. I have heard that it's one of the biggest, maybe the 2nd largest threat.
Another thing that's not fair (that I notice on other topics too) is that when people complain about being punished for one thing because something else isn't being punished, is that they then conclude that neither should be punished.
I suggest having both punished.
But I also believe we should do away with the whole government's role in marriages, period. This includes the taxes part.
There will be a lot less marriages as a result from the hetero, bi, and gay communities.
And those that do marry will have a higher success rate overall as a result.
I also propose that the only part government should play is that they enforce that those who want to get married not only take premarital counselling but also take regular checkups on how their marriage is going.
ALL MY SUGGESTIONS WOULD MAKE THE ADDITIONAL DETAILS IRRELEVANT. They are interesting details though that are otherwise is a very valid question and a very valid statement.
Because a lot of people don't see being gay as ';normal'; and they know that if it were legalized everywhere that they would have to see it more and they aren't comfortable with that so they don't want to see it.
Also, there are a lot of people that fear change and think that this would ruin the whole human race, however they are not aware that in the past being with the opposite sex was considered unusual.
Becaue some people are so narrow minded that they can't see past their religious beliefs. I have NO problem with religion. I have NO problem with gay marriage. People should be able to believe in whatever they like. I don't see WHY people get so upset about marriage between same sex couples. But that's there opinion, I just wish they would keep it to themselves. How can they say gay married couples are affecting them? If they feel so strongly about it I highly doubt they KNOW any married couples, so how on earth is it threatening their marriage?
Gay peopl don't go around knocking on doors trying to convince non-gays to become gay, whereas a lot of religions do. I even went to a Christian Group meeting at my school once, with an open mindhoping I might learnt somethibg but all it was, was the leader telling everyone there the best way to brainwash their non-christian friends to become religious. It was really quite scary, almost like a cult. Gays dont do that.
I just wish people would keep an open mind, and respect others beliefs and opinions..
They are just a bunch of homophobic christian zealots. The gays are just the latest group whose turn it is to be in the barrel. In the early 1800 it was the Chinese then the Irish. Then it was the Italians and then the Japanese before and after the war. Of course the blacks, but they are in a whole different category and the Mexicans. In my opinion, the one thing that they have in common is that waspy groups have decided who
gets thrown into the barrel.
Because the diabolical thinking behind it underminds what GOD established: which is to reproduce...thus create a normal family...If you have gay people getting married, it destroys GODs' original mandate for man %26amp; woman....Then they pass this on to unsuspecting children who think it is ok before understanding the systems at work behind it...
Divorce you can still marry again the opposite sex and reproduce..
Religious bigotry based on intolerance is the main reason. Praise and thanks to our Founders for emphasizing separation of Church and State. Bronx Cheers to those who would circumvent the Bill of Rights to sanctimoniously persecute a vulnerable minority group. How can two people who love each other threaten the institution of marriage?
I totally agree. Divorce is really voiding the sanctity of marriage, yet it's perfectly legal and even advertised on billboards! Come on now. People just don't approve of gays and want to limit their personal rights as a punishment for their being different than us. I say, we're all people, and who the hell CARES who we love and live with?
My marriage is strong. No other marriage is a threat to my marriage.
If people think that gay marriage is a threat to hetero marriage, then their marriage must not be that strong.
its exactlly the same but with a same sex couple, i dont know why people find it wrong, surely that isnt a threat if two people love each other, it better than being divorced, and people say thats not a sin. just leave everyone to it.
no, marriages are the biggest threat to marriage!
if the gays want to spend the rest of their lives answering to someone who nags belittles and controls, good for them. I'll die single!
anyone who says gay marriage is a threat to marriage is veiling the fact that ';gay marriage'; is only a threat to their religious control and beliefs
Because they're gay themselves, and they're afraid that if gay marriage becomes legal they'll be tempted.
It has more to do with cheating the government out of money and abusing rights. Surely people would abuse this.
Moral values also come into play but in the government probably less so than the other idea.
They used to say interracial marriage was a threat, too. It's because they are afraid of having no one left to treat as second-rate citizens.
';Honey, I don't feel our marriage has been as strong ever since John and Kenny from across the street were allowed to marry.';
Doesn't appear to be a threat in California.
The first time I saw two guys kiss I threw up. Then I divorced my wife and starting having sex with men.
Gay marriage ruined my life!
They use that as an excuse because they hate people who are gay.
abomination unto God...read your Bible
I am on God's side ..I have to agree with him ...if everyone would live by his word the world would not be in such a mess!
God Bless
Because of bigotry, fear, hatred etc
Because there is NO intelligent life on this planet, Captain !
maybe because marriage is between a man and a women like it was created to be
I've always said: Gays want to get married? Don't they have enough misery in their lives?
How can they marry ???? somebody tell me plsss
Banning divorce? Are you nuts? They say that gay marriage is a threat to marriage because marriage was born on the basis of religion. ';Holy Matrimony'; gays have already been given the rights of marriage such as tax breaks, etc.., they are allowed a civil partnership. But they aren't allowed to marry in many states because RELIGION is what started MARRIAGE, and RELIGON says being GAY is wrong. Im not saying I agree with this but many do, im just telling you what they think.
Carpe, BTW CALIFORNIA passed PROP 8, so your totally wrong, get your facts straight.
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