Saturday, January 23, 2010

If Conservatives are so against Government why do they want to ban medical Marijuana and Gay marriage?

Right wing Conservatives are the biggest hypocrites on the earth if their so against Government making decisions in peoples lives.Then why do they want Government to ban everything like medical marijuana and gay marriage and gambling.If Conservatives are so against Government why do they want to ban medical Marijuana and Gay marriage?
Government is only good when it's promoting their ideas. When it's promoting someone else's ideas, or being neutral, government is bad.If Conservatives are so against Government why do they want to ban medical Marijuana and Gay marriage?
You have two false assumptions in the main question.

Conservatives aren't against the government. They are opposed to the government doing more than it is intended to do.

And you assume anyone who refers to themselves as ';conservative'; must be both fiscally and socially conservative.

When the religious right tries to but into people's lives one moment, and complain about too much government in the next moment, they are being hypocritical.

But many people who refer to themselves as conservatives are FISCAL conservative, NOT social conservatives. Just like myself.

And although my boyfriend is somewhat socially conservative, he is not passionate about that at all. He would vote for a fiscally conservative gay man over a big-spending anti-gay candidate any old day.
You would be surprised at how many Conservatives would like to see marijuana legalized and taxed, and some of us are neutral on gay marriage. Sometimes being conservative is a matter of wanting fiscal responsibility and smaller government, and that doesn't translate into wanting the government to ban everything and neither does it imply support of candidates that raise the national debt and curtail freedoms.

I voted against Bush and I voted against Obama because in both cases I could see the national debt would grow unchecked and personal freedoms would be under attack. Another thing you may not expect is that I see a huge difference between a Liberal and a Leftist. I have respect for Liberals who also believe in fiscal responsibility and smaller government. Leftists represent more government interference and less rights, all coming with a hefty price tag.
Another loon liberal that doesn't understand the difference between federal and state government.

The federal government has no business passing laws that are inherently state issues.

I can be staunchly against medical marijuana because it has no real medical value and be against gay marriages because I think that they are wrong. I will address these issues with the STATE government where they belong. I can also be against the FEDERAL government interfering with my decisions, as well as your decisions.

If you are going to make comments about what conservatives believe, at least take the time to understand what we believe.....
because gays do not deserve any more rights for being gay, aka gay marriage...

homosexuality is not the norm, aka a dysfunction PROVEN to be that in this new book:

';What Nature Intended, Six Factors Demonstrating Homosexuality to be a Dysfuntion';

even if you just read the definitions of what Pathology is and Disease is they show the dysfunction that homosexuality is, example:

book excerpts:

';...what is Pathology? Well, let’s see the definitions of it in the dictionaries....';

'; is the definition in, another on-line dictionary:

1. The science or the study of the origin, nature, and course of diseases.

2. The conditions and processes of a disease.

3. Any deviation from a healthy, normal, or efficient condition...';

';...We can go on to the definition of Disease; here is the definition of it as defined in

1. Disordered or incorrectly functioning organ, part, structure, or system of the body resulting from the effect of genetic or developmental errors, infection, poisons, nutritional deficiency or imbalance, toxicity, or unfavorable environmental factors; illness; sickness; ailment.

2. Any abnormal condition in a plant that interferes with its vital physiological processes, caused by pathogenic microorganisms, parasites, unfavorable environmental, genetic, or nutritional factors, etc.

3. Any harmful, depraved, or morbid condition, as of the mind or society: His fascination with executions is a disease.

Decomposition of a material under special circumstances: tin disease....';

';...Again, we can see that even the definition of Disease says it is an incorrect functioning of sorts, and abnormal condition, even any harmful, depraved or morbid condition. And like we saw in Chapter 5 many of the Homosexual sexual practices match these definitions to a “T”...';

after that... case close!
I'm a conservative who wants pot to be legal and not just for medical reasons, don't believe anybody should have to get permission from the government to marry and believes a woman should be able to choose abortion but not choose to ask me pay for it.
Because they (social conservatives) are hypocrites.

They only want less goverment intrusion for people who aren't gay, own guns and believe in Jesus. Everyone else should be subject to as much government intrusion as possible.
First, because Conservatives are against illegal drugs.

Second, Conservatives don't ';want to ban... Gay marriage';, they don't want Gays to change the laws to require ';Gay marriage'; (your perspective on this issue is backwards)
So says the liberals who ***** about privacy, yet have no problem going into the personal lives of their opponents
Because it makes other people happy, and if it makes other people happy it's OK for the government to step in and end it.
They don't like government being involved in peoples lives yet whine when they can't get government to ban abortion. I smells something funky eh?
Because it would be another instance of govt sticking its nose where it doesn't belong. Meaning ';less'; govt not ';more'; govt. That doesn't sound so hypocritical.
haha very true.
There's a difference- those are what you call ';social conservatives';. Wise up before you rant.
Youre lumping all conservatives in the same bag. Most of us just dont give a **** what you want to do as long as it doesnt effect us.
Because they are for government intervention when it suits their ideals.
You have to include them wanting to make decisions for pregnant women too.
They hate helping people in need, but they love taking away their rights.

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