Thursday, January 21, 2010

How can I help the cause of federal gay marriage?

I鈥檓 interested in doing some activism related to gay marriage at the federal level. Specifically, I鈥檇 like to see gay marriage recognized federally so that I can extend my US citizenship to my partner. Does anyone have any advice on how one might go about helping this cause? Thanks. How can I help the cause of federal gay marriage?
gay marriage is a state issue. so far there is only gay marriage in CT %26amp; Mass. There is no gay marriage in CA. Sorry but there is no federal right to marry.

With current immigration laws, marriage doesn't allow automatic citizenship for spouses. Your partner should just apply.How can I help the cause of federal gay marriage?
Oh easy just take what the majority of people want and believe.. ignore that and use the courts to overturn law and force them to accept you, and pass laws that unfairly punish them for trying to fight any of it.. before you know it everyone will accept you and treat you the way you want.. or else
I would say write letters to the government. it may not sound like a lot but it can make a difference. also if you live in the bay area you can go to the many protest against prop 8 in san fransico about every weekend
I am looking for the organizers my self, but here is a link with some more information on where major events are being plained. They should have more information somewhere on their site if you wish to help out;鈥?/a>
Maybe you could move to a state that still allows same-sex marriage and marry there.

I'll bet there are many places on the web that will help you to find a local place to volunteer your help.

Writing letters to Senators and Congressmen always helps.
You should sleep with one of the council members who will have a deciding vote and help them open their eyes.
What you can do is give it time. If we were to suddenly make gay marriage legal on the federal level, then we would be in complete chaos.

I understand it's not fair that same-sex couples cannot get married, but the truth is, ending discrimination starts with education. Remember, during the civil war era, the south said the bible condones slavery, and ';scientists'; said that blacks were not fully human because they do not possess the same intelligence, reasoning, and morals as white people do.

It took YEARS of education before enough people could realize that none of that is true, and it will take a long time before these people catch up with today's science and realize homosexuality is not as unntural as they think.

You might be saying, ';How is science going to change religious people, or people who really want to hold on to their beliefs?'; Several hundred years ago, people were arrested for heresy to the church because religion said the Earth was flat and the sun revolved around it. They refused to believe ANY scientific information whatsoever that the Earth was in fact round.

Eventually, after the evidence was too overwhelming, they simply had to change their minds and realized that what is true, went against their religious beliefs. It will happen with homosexuality also. Many respected scientists do not consider homosexuality to be unnatural.

Opponents of that will say that they have been ';hijacked by gay activists';. I find that hard to believe. I mean, we're the minority and few straight people accept us. The gays and gay affirmers are only a small percentage of people. How could a minority so small have such an influence on scientists? Don't you think that it would be so much easier for the majority of people against gays to ';hijack'; the scientists?

If activism was involved, homosexuality would still be considered a mental disorder or unnaturality because there is no way that professionals are going to side with a small minority over a sizeable majority unless their is sufficient evidence.

Sorry to tangent here, but I had to explain!

Hope it helps!


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