Thursday, January 21, 2010

Why are marriage licenses and divorce decrees publicly open?

I don't like that the media can publicize a celebrities divorce decree for all to see. If a marriage or divorce needs to be proven for legal reasons, then I can see a judge granting that. But otherwise I think they are between that couple.

What are your thoughts?Why are marriage licenses and divorce decrees publicly open?
I guess it keeps down on lying men and women - you can check up to see if man/women is married etc... although I thought a lot of celeberties could seal their records or make them privete if they wanted. I dont see a huge problem with it personally - being famous comes with certin down falls - and although they deserve some privecy people should also show respect for the freedoms we enjoy here in the USA - well the ones we have left Why are marriage licenses and divorce decrees publicly open?
because they are famous and ppl want to read them and see what they look like and plus all document like this are open to the public since they are a public matter.

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