Tuesday, May 11, 2010

How do you personally feel regarding Prop 8 and gay marriage?

i am doing a presentation in my class. my topic is about gay marriage. i am for it, although i myself am not gay, i do have some friends and relatives who are. i would like to know what you think of prop 8 and its results. how has it affected you? Do you agree or disagree with it? Is it morally or ethically right to restrict people of their rights?How do you personally feel regarding Prop 8 and gay marriage?
Where even to begin? Marriage has changed a lot over time [ women aren't property, they have rights in their marriages, are legal entities, etc...] so there's no ';protecting of marriage';. It's a changing term that.. changes. .. duh. [Words change. fact. it's why we get new dictionaries.]

Religious reasons are not valid arguments. There are religions that allow gays to marry, so why is one religion more valid? Even better question, if it's religious reasons, how can that even be used legally?

New Jersey did a state review of the whole civil unions vs gay marriage thing and found that civil unions don't work. We as a society recognize the term marriage for this entity of (supposedly) life-long commitment, having families, being allowed rights, etc. Not surprising what they found, though. We already tried segregation before. [ Gays sit in the back of the bus? what-what? :P Gays drink at the gay drinking fountain? separate but equal? Doesn't work that way in reality, kiddies. ;)]

It's not moral or ethical to force your views on others if their lives do not affect your own. That's the beauty of this country. We give people as much room to stretch their metaphorical arms, just to the limit of stopping it from smacking into the next person. If two gays marry it does NOT affect others. But it DOES help create stability for their relationship, for their families, gives a venue for rights that are tied with civil marriages, etc.

This personally affects me. I am bi. I would some day like to marry the person I love. I grew up watching Disney movies just like the rest of you. It affected me just like it affected you. I want to get married in the white dress with my family and friends around me. :)

Proposition 8 also set precedent for removing a protected class of citizens' rights by mere popular vote. Now that's a scary thought. [ look at the suits filed against prop 8 on the California Supreme Court website. In particular, the one filed by the group of churches. They argue that hey! Guess what. They're a protected class too. What's to stop them from taking away the rights of different denomination churches by popular vote as well?]How do you personally feel regarding Prop 8 and gay marriage?
I totally disagree with Prop 8. I am not gay but i do have friends and relatives who are. What ever happened to separation of church and state? It unmoral and unethical to restrict people of their rights. Marriage is a union between two individuals no where in any dictionary that i've seen does it strictly say it has to be between a man and a woman. Some people in their religion believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman and that's fine. Believe what you want but your beliefs should have no say in the law and should not be able to rule other people's lives. I don't understand why our government is even entertaining this. It's like at one point black people weren't allowed ot be married to one another because fo people's beliefs. What kind of place would America be if we still thought that way. I think its the same situation with the gay's.

Prop 8 hasn't affected me personally except by making me disappointed and angry that people are so closed minded. This shouldn't even be an issue bottom line. Our government really needs to stop letting people's religious beliefs who may not be the same as others running their lives.
i think prop 8 is very unethical. although the country is run by conservatives, you don't see states having the ability to decide whether or not straight couples can get married, so why restrict homosexuals?

it just gives you something to think about.

plus, under common law, which are the laws of nature and common sense (some states use it), if people live together for a set amount of time, they are automatically married, but i don't know if common law counts for homosexuals. In fact, there are a multitude of double standard laws against same-sex couples...
It's not moral or ethic.

In the past, it has NEVER been okay for people to deny a group rights based on a certain orientation, so why now?

I think that people will look back on this in a few decades and it will become like, the modern equivalent of the ';Loving v. Virginia'; case.

It's the same thing - a civil rights issue.

I hate how people try to force their religious views on America like this. I mean, the Government has no right to force a church to do gay marriages, but at the same time, they should have the option to - some churches do support gay marriage. And whatever happened to ';separation of church and state';?
To tell you the truth i was very surprised when prop 8 passed.

I thought with all the Dems and Liberals in Cali it wouldn't stand a chance.

I was very unsettled that the courts had started to allow the unions and then all the sudden they weren't valid anymore.

But i am a christian so of course i know homosexuality is wrong and overall i was happy about the turnout of prop 8.

Really you can't ask the question about restricting rights if you agree with it... because i could raise a very strong argument as to why Gay's in particular are stealing my rights everyday. Starting with Free Speech.

But i guess the majority has spoken and if the majority can elect a president without fuss i think this issue should get the same respect.
Well if you want to illegitimize it you could reference the Full Faith and Credit clause which says that any license(marriage drivers etc.) that is issued in one state is valid in any other, and since Massachusetts legalized gay marriage it means that Prop Eight is invalid because Prop Eight stated that no marriage between same sex couples would be legal or even recognized in California. So Prop Eight directly contradicts the Constitution. Also, The Mormon church of Utah contributed 60 million dollars to defeat Prop Eight, an organization that isn't even a part of California. They are also a Special Interest Group and they are not allowed to donate more than a thousand dollars to these types of causes. They did find a way around that but it still is pretty unethical. I support Proposition Eight because it upholds the 14th Amendment to the Constitution.
It's not about what's right or wrong. It's about what can people live with. People used to not be able to live with the idea that gays even exist. Prop 8 has given people an opportunity to voice their opinions about gays in a way they haven't before. As a country, we are growing and changing. There are many things we can believe are not ';right'; but we learn to live with it. This makes us stronger. People will learn to live with gay marriage. Good luck on your presentation!
The only opposition to it are bible thumpers and bigots. In a theocracy like ours in America religious values always take precedence over secular precepts ad laws and such must be imposed on our country. After all America only has one religion right?

Marriage is not resilient. That's why woman are still property, interracial marriage is prohibited, and divorce is punishable by death.
im not gay or know anyone gay but i think everyone should have equal rights. actually its not what i think, this nation is all about equal rights, so if we take away rights from a certain group isnt that sort of hypocritical??

people really need to think, especially women and blacks. if we dint have the womens rights movement, women wouldnt have equal rights. and the blacks would still be slaves and have no rights at all if it werent for black rights.

and people need to stop about religion and the ';sanctity'; of marriage and whats in the bible. in this country not everyone believes in religion or the bible.

and it make me mad when people say 'why dont they just move'. if it were you would you want to move away from your family and friends?? i think not.

ugh anyway, if i lived in cali i would have voted no against it
Rrrrrr!!!! Hulk say “Gay Marriage” come after thousand years, so it new type marriage. Hulk see Gay disrespect those in religion with new type. Hulk fight for freedom. Hulk say Gay make new term for marriage, like partnership, so not offend religion and make Gay free, must stop war!! Grrrrrrr!!!!
obvious answer is obvious
Prop H8 is stupid. Gay couples deserve to have the same rights as straight couples, no ifs ands or buts about it.
It never should have passed, religion is holding this nation back
No to Prop 8

YES to gay marriage!
Prop 8 was a good thing. Marriage is a religious joining of a man and a woman and the religion's teachings openly state that gay marriage is wrong. Forcing churches to recognize marriages that are against their beliefs is wrong.

Gays aren't hurt at all by this anyway; gay couples can still get a domestic partnership which gives the couple all the legal rights and perks of being married without submitting to the religious aspect of marriage.

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