Tuesday, May 11, 2010

In the future, will we look back at the Gay marriage issue and feel as ashamed as we are for condoning slavery?

The Church did little about slavery in past centuries, indeed, it condoned it.

In the future, when we look back, will denying Gay persons the right to marry be viewed the same way?In the future, will we look back at the Gay marriage issue and feel as ashamed as we are for condoning slavery?
No,I feel slavery was a bigger issue. I think we'll look back and view it the same way we now view segregation and aparthied.In the future, will we look back at the Gay marriage issue and feel as ashamed as we are for condoning slavery?
No doubt about it. I can't wait until religion is thrown in the trash along with all the other fairy tales humans have worshipped throughout history. I feel very ashamed for living in a country that is against 2 people seeking happiness together. It's pathetic, and I pity every single religious zealot who voted against gay marriage. I never would have imagined that a 2000 year old book of nonsenese could wield so much power in the world's most powerful country.
It was Christians who brought about the abolition of slavery. And it was condemned from way back :

1 Timothy 1:10

10fornicators, sodomites, slave traders, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to the sound teaching

Your problem is common. Though heterosexuals may be fornicators and adulterers, and defilers of the marriage...a gay is a saint, and not a creature headed to Hell. Christians are nowhere as condemnatory as say Socrates and Plato are of homosexuality.

Stop diddling and get a library card.
Why would I be ashamed for my beliefs, a sin is a sin, are we barbaric for imprisoning child molesters, really that is a sexual preference too.

Many are not aware of this but the last time in history two same sex marriages were issued a license was not Sodom and Gomorrah, it was right before the great flood, so tell me you still want to reap the repercussions of legalizing such an abomination!
II do not think so and here is why.

Homosexuality is a sin against God.

God鈥?messenger will always be here to herald God鈥檚 truth to the people.

While slavery is a terrible thing and should never happen there is no commandment saying thou shalt not have a slave. Slavery is mentioned in the Bible. However, no where is it condoned but neither is it condemned. Man has condemned it and that is a wonderful thing.

The only biblical commandment about slavery is that God鈥檚 people were commanded to treat their slaves much better than the rest of the world treated their slaves.

Even though we think the laws governing slaves in the Bible are archaic and terrible. Those laws were written to comply with customs of that archaic time period not ours.
Never. Gays can not be married even if human law says they can. The law of nature, the law of creation, and the law of the universe are far superior than the laws forged by humanity. Marriage is only between male and female. It will be like that for all eternity and any and all nations that choose to say otherwise are fooling themselves. Gays should have the same rights that marriage provide but in no way can the term marriage be used to define their union.
Uh... no it won't, and I'll explain why as I did on a similar post a couple of months back. Gay marriage not nescessarily an issue of religion, but that of holes in the definition of marriage. If the definition of marriage- between one man and one woman- is messed with, insane groups such as polygamists, polyandryist (by not means am I comparing homosexuality) and what not, can state the argument that the definition of marriage is no longer valid. You think stupid groups like the people in Bountiful are bad, just wait until the definition is screwed with- I heard the grand poobah of the polygamist group make this argument. To be honest, ';religious people'; could not give a sh*t what people are doing or how they are living their life; sorry to say, but they're too busy starring in their own show to care about how people are getting their rocks off... really, they don't. This is not the Elizabethan era, okay, marriage is a political/ congressional issue, not one of religion. I agree, the United States needs to get some sort of ';civil union'; thing going so homosexuals can have the same rights as everyone else; Britain and Canada have really hit the mark on that one. By all means hide it under some stupid name such as ';civil union';, but if it is called a marriage, things will get a little messy.

As for the whole social issue and family issue, take it from someone who has a gay sibling; it is not some warm fuzzy la la la issue that is brushed off. People who are so frigging liberal, don't understand the losses, the prejudice and stress that come with it, and obviously don't have a close relative who is gay. To the parents out there, just wait until one of your kids comes home and announces their gay, automatically making their life filled with bigotry, with little chance of having biological children. Yeah, people like Sean Penn, then we'll see if you still stand up on a soapbox.

Sooner or later each and every christian inspired atrocity comes to pass through reason and logic.

We need to stop the justified bigotry.

Banning gay marriage when the divorce rate is over 50% is an atrocity of America. If you are reading this look up the word atrocity.

But will liberals look back and feel bad about condoning the slaughtering of unborn babies? AKA abortion?

Who knows how many potential great minds have been sacrificed to the liberal meat grinder already? How's that for ironic.. some baby may have been destined to invent an alternative to oil, but due to the mother getting an abortion, that genius mind was lost. Too bad God is the only one aware of the ironic joke.
no it's wrong and immoral and it's a slap in God's face. Slavery is wrong nor does the Bible condone it like it doesn't condone homosexuality. tell me when you stand before God and he is upset because you've accepted something that he abhors will you be ashamed?
First of all you would have to believe in God to feel shame over anything. Second, the people of today have turned their faces from God, as shows clearly on any coin today. In God we trust, used to be what we headed towards in all walks of life(less than 50yrs ago). Today we have this same saying on at the back of the neck on the quarter. BIG STATEMENT!!!

Slavery was a way of life, from the beginning to the end. The Jews or Israelite's were enslaved almost from the beginning of written history. The Jews or branches of Christianity, were enslaved again by Hitler. People were ignorant then and they are ignorant now. Slavery is merely a servant. Jesus calls us all to serve as we are able. Therefore is a sense their are a few who would still rejoice to be called slave. Though the slavery in which I refer to is pro-choice and the slavery you refer to was mandatory. I personally was not born during that generation, and do not hold myself responsible nor do I feel ashamed.

Sodom and Gomorrah was completely destroyed by God our ultimate judge. The reason behind the destruction was sodomy. Homosexuality. One story... God spoke and said that the cry against this city was to great to ignore...Gen.18,19 And in the end, the world will be as the days of Noah and of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Of course.

But I think the more interesting thing is, one day soon people will look back on such things as Christianity and Islam, and laugh about it the same way we do alchemy and trepanning.

The truly remarkable thing though, is I think we'll see this within a generation or two. I hope I live to see my grandchildren ask... ';Grandpa... did people REALLY believe that back then?';
The two do not compare. God chooses color and He chooses that sex is only for the marriage bed between man and his wife. He is Sovereign. It is not a civil rights issue.
I have no doubt that you are correct. In a couple decaded the idea that we once questioned gay rights will seem absurd.\

I would relate it closer to our questioning whether or not women deserve to vote and own property.
The idiot who said homosexuality is a sin, is a sinner himself. I hope you don't believe that a rotten, ignorant person such as yourself will be passing any pearly white gates in the afterlife
Uh, no. Enslaving people is a sin. Homosexuality is a sin. Just whom do you think freed the slaves? It surely was not the atheists!
Of course. We'll be seen as barbarians in a few hundred years.
A better analogy would be making interracial marriage illegal.

Don't worry - it's been legal in all 50 states.

Since 2000.

I believe the answer to that is yes.

Societies always move toward allowing more behavior and being more accepting.

As long as people fight for their rights, we can be assured that they will (one day) get them.
I agree. Its embarrassing that our nation would even consider allowing marriage between a man and a man.
don't act like you religious people are some kinda heros for freeing slaves. They shouldn't have been any slaves in the first place and Religion promotes slavery.

Gay marriage and slavery don't even go together. i don't even know how u can even think to compare the two
gays can be together, slaves had no options. I think gay marriage will be accepted and we will look back like we do now at times when inter racial couple could not marry.
Yes and every religion will pretend that they were tolerant and accepting.
I don't think there is any correlation between the two subjects.
You have serious mental problems, your a big tin of old peanuts.
yes and hopefully some time in the future we'll look back at religion the same way also
Yes, if the human races survives long enough.
I don't feel bad about slavery at all... Someday, it will probably come back. Things go round and round and round... in a hundred years or so, who knows.

Why stress about what was in the past before I existed or about what may happen when I am gone?

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