Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Why are people trying to raise money for a gay marriage ban?

Leave the poor souls alone. So many xenophobes out there in the world today. How does them getting married affect you in any way? Put your money towards a worthy cause like cancer research.Why are people trying to raise money for a gay marriage ban?
why are they preventing people from being happy? =P

Ok so it's not so good to look at. IMHO, Though I'm not really PRO- gay marriage, like, it's their life. What's it to me? it's like they're going to stop ';loving'; each other anyway.

I guess that's just being narrow-minded.

I am with you that they raise money for a more worthy cause like charity or cancer or anything other than gay marriage bans.Why are people trying to raise money for a gay marriage ban?
I'm guessing they are putting money there because they do see this as a worthy cause. For one, all the arguments I've seen for gay marriage are self centered: ';what's it to ME?';

I've not seen an argument even including who this effects the most: the children.

Now how does gay marriage effect children? Well one can't really say with definiteness, but one can only imagine...

I believe the family structure is the most important thing a child has... I seriously think having two moms, or two dads is definitely going to make the child think more about where he came from and the structure of society earlier on than children with two biological parents. Mostly because the child in the biological parents situation simply looks at his/her parents and say, oh, okay I come from them. But for the the gay/lesbian child, oh, okay, I only come from one of them or none of them, and my parents are who knows where? Why? And so, thus leading to more thinking...

Idk but I think this is unecessary for a child to have to even worry about, if they do even. Which I believe they will at least stop and think about it for a second.

I think children are just as equally an important cause as cancer research.

I don't care who gets married, they'd better just steer clear of my children in when out in public. I'm sick and tired of trying to explain to them the sickness of homosexuality.
You don't see the employer side do you?

Why should I as an employer be forced to pay (family benefits, etc) for someone's lifestyle?

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