Sunday, May 9, 2010

How was gay marriage voted out in several US states?

I am in the UK and was sorry to see that gay marriage was voted out. How does the system work? Do you have to vote for or against separate items on a ticket or does voting for a candidate ensure you vote for what that person wants.

Stay alive and happy lads and lasses

Rose P.How was gay marriage voted out in several US states?
In this case,Each vote is separate from the others,except for the President and Vic president.Then one vote gets them both in office.A couple of years a go,California voted Gay marriage to be legal.The Other states had to recognize the marriages.Needless to say a Gay pilgrimage was tacking place.Just California had a new law to vote for making Gay marriage illegal.The Mormon church had a big campaign going for this law.This law just affected California.California was one of the first of the few States that it was legal in.The other states could not vote on this law. In the Federal House and Cennote Representative,it is a bill that gets voted on.Each bill can have in it several laws in it,so if they vote yes/no the vote affects all of the laws on that bill.If I could have voted against this law,I would have.The stooped part of that campaign was a bluff saying that the law would also make it legal for a father/mother to merry there doter/son.Or a cow if they wanted to.I see the problem of marrying in the same gene pool unless they are of the same sex.Some of the laws are down rite stooped.If your adopted and not of the same gene pool,it is sill against the law to marry.But if the two have the same father but different mothers then they can get married if they wore not aware of the relation.How was gay marriage voted out in several US states?
Basically, the US public was fooled by right wing extremists into thinking that allowing gay marriage would threaten traditional marriage. They scared people into thinking that if gays were allowed to marry, that this material would also be taught in schools and this would cause more kids to ';turn'; gay, as though sexual orientation were a choice.

There is no link between ';family morals'; and homosexuality. They are two separate entities, in the same way as fish and cars. The religious right wing extremists like to invent this, simply to scare people into compliance.
In the case of Arizona, the elected legislature voted to place Proposition 102 on the ballot for the voters to vote on although same-sex marriage was already not legally recognized.

In the case of Florida, those opposed to same-sex marriage collected enough signatures to place Amendment 2 on the ballot for the voters to vote on although same-sex marriage was already not legally recognized.

In the case of California, those opposed to same-sex marriage collected enough signatures to place Proposition 8 on the ballot for the voters to vote on. Since same-sex marriage was legal, the language on submission of the ballot measure said it would invalidate all such marriages ';regardless of when or where performed'; - an interpretation that would apply to existing as well as future marriages.

All were individually voted on and not tied to another issue or candidate.
It's an interesting issue. In the United States, we have 3 government branches: The Executive Branch, such as the President; the Legislative Branch, such as Congress (senators and representatives); and the Judiciary (the courts).

If I recall right, California's Supreme Court had declared that gay marriages were legal in California. Then people ran in to pass this amendment to their state Constitution to invalidate gay marriages. They included language about the marriages being performed anywhere and anytime.

That flies against Constitutional law. Each state MUST respect the laws of other states. So, for example, if a person enters into a common law marriage in a state that does permit them (such as Texas) and they move to a state that doesn't permit them (such as my homestate of New Mexico), the state that doesn't permit them still has to recognize and honor the common law marriage lawfully created in another state.

Seems to me the amendment to California was unconstitutional and, as such, will be struck down but we have to see what the courts say and do.

I find it sad, though, to see such hostility and bigotry. I'm straight but have gay and lesbian friends who are good, loving couples and deserving of the rights married heterosexual people have.
I'm amused at the answer saying it goes against natural law, that person should do some research and educate their narrow mind. Gay is natural, it exists in other animals too.

I'm shocked that anyone had the right to vote on an issue that affects the private life of fellow human beings, it should never have been voted on. Some of the questions and answers on here over the last couple of days have been horrific, I don't know how any sane person can find them acceptable in a civilized society. Thank goodness I also live in the UK.
I don't understand people of today. I am not gay. I am a retired senior citizen widow. I grew in an age of prejudges and I'm sorry to say as a young girl I shared those prejudges that were taught me by my elders. But as I grew older and started thinking for myself my beliefs changed and I came out the dark ages into the light. People, the world over, are the same and should be treated as such no matter what their race, religion, or sexual preferences are. Love is the same the world over. I was able to marry the man I loved. Why shouldn't one be able to marry the love of their life. Stand up for your rights and be heard but peacefully heard. One day your voice will break through the curtain of prejudices and be heard.
I am in the UK as well and I'm glad gay marriage is finally being disposed of because it's vile. I would vote to get rid of it every single time until things get back to normal. Gays should be satisfied with civil partnerships and leave long standing traditions alone.
It is usually a separate item on the voting ballet. I am for it. I say people should be able to do what they want as long as no one gets hurt and I don't see the harm in letting gay marriage be legal. I am straight but I say whatever makes people happy. Love is love I say. :)
It was a separate item on a ticket, individual states voted on the issue. I voted No on 8
People here vote w/ either their gonads or their wallets - %26amp; let their churches decide 4 them what they're 2 lazy or foolish to understand !
Because a lot of people are bigoted judgmental losers who think they have to push their beliefs on other people.
It was separate items on a ticket. Thanks for your support!
everyone makes a choice to chose and vote for the right decision.......
Because the majority in those states realised that it was an abomination and against all natural law.

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