It's the best thing that ever happened to the state of CA. Now we are free of the demons and the plague that will kill every society that embraces it. How do you feel about the ban on gay marriage that passed in California?
This is like saying ';I'm glad blacks cant live with whites!'; or ';Blacks are better not to be freed';
Face it it's all still the same in one summed up word
Homosexuality is something that people are born with. just like
I can't chose to be a women, Men can't chose to be men. You can't chose the color of you skin tone.
YOU nor ME or ANYONE else can chose our sexual orientation. We are born with it! Your Health classes your Child takes even tells you that you cannot chose your sexual orientation!
This is not to ';protect the image of marriage'; it to stop it just cos' religious people are uncomfortable.
Oh and most importantly. They are
jealous cause they wish they could love as much as gay people do with each other!
To the ones who said yes on this new play on CA and utterly despise gays:
Fucked up ';Straights'; of homophobia. It it has nothing to do with you, don't worry about it! Homosexuality is not a illness!
EDIT: OH a Lil FYI, Obama Voted against Prop 8, He said ';NO'; It take the rights from people and goes against the Constitution. it will be overturned!
I feel it was a surprise, but not unexpected. The real interesting point is that CA also voted for Obama, which means that some Obama voters also voted to ban gay marriage. I get the feeling it was the increased minority turnout that did this - older black and hispanic folks tend to be more socially conservative.
Obviously it is you who is sick.
If they had a ballot question to ban divorce and the people voted for it most people would be up in arms.
Sad how people impose their religious views and take away RIGHTS that were granted to people.
I am glad I live in a much more accepting state.
Amazing how some people are more concerned with the rights of a fetus than the rights of living people who are part of our communities.
I think it was the sick people who voted for it.
By making their distaste for homosexuals law, the supporters of proposition 8 have just invited the State of California into everyone's bed. What was wrong with live and let live?
Back in May, the courts ruled that it's wrong for the state to treat homosexuals differently from the rest of us. Now voters have decided that the law should treat them differently.
Everyone who voted for it should be absolutely ashamed of themselves. This wasn't a religious issue, and it wasn't a sexual issue, it was a human rights issue. You just voted against human rights.
For those using my religion to justify their own flaws- stop it. Jesus never persecuted anyone. He spent his time with prostitutes, tax collectors (gangsters of their time), and dirty fisherman. He didn't look down on anyone- not even on you. What makes you think it's okay to use his name to look down on someone else? Shame on you. Bibles are for reading, not thumping.
I think it's a travesty and will probably be overturned.
If you don't want to have a gay marriage, don't marry someone of the same sex! You shouldn't have any right to determine what others can/cannot do when it comes to two people who love each other.
Did you know most homophobes are insecure about their own sexuality, and in many cases actually gay themselves? Is there something you want to tell us?
If they come back to Cali ';married'; then what has been accomplished?
I think opponents of gay rights somehow think one day they will eliminate homosexuality.
However, that is just not true.
I personally prefer civil unions which would allow property to be bequeathed as well as power of attorney for gay couples
Its really terrible how we have another form of discrimination. How can it be logical to you to prevent someone from human rights that other people have but to take them away from a certain group of people. Didn't we learn anything from slavery days? This will all be looked downed upon in years to come and people will be flabbergasted about how this even was an issue. There is suppose to be separation between CHURCH AND STATE. So religious views about what the Bible says should NOT come in to place when making laws like this. An Arkansas put a ban on gay couples adopting, what is wrong with you people? I bet those children would LOVE to have a home.
Kirsty is right, there have been numerous accounts of homosexual animals. This is a FACT that there are homosexual animals. What should we do with those? Kill them because something is wrong or take away their animal rights? All of you need to wake up, people cannot help being gay no matter what you say or think. You cannot take away peoples rights, this makes me want to move out of this country. It's really sad.
Sad, but temporary. The dominant course of our history is that people's rights increase over time. It may not happen as fast as I would like, and there are reversals, but the trend is always towards more freedom, not less. In 30 years not only will it not be an issue, but young people will be shocked that it was ever an issue.
No rights were granted to the people marry the same Gender. The ONLY thing that has held true in this F*cked up nation is the sanctity of Marriage, between a MAN and A WOMAN. It was the ONLY thing that went right in this F'ed up Election year.
IT shows that there are still a few majority of americans that still see that certain things should stay sacred.
Marriage is defined as the HOLY union between GOD, a man, and woman.
Gay marriage desecrates the sanctity of marriage.
I'm all for letting gay people get unions with all the same rights, but don't call it's not.
Personally I feel... eh... why? Because I live in Texas and it will NEVER be an issue here...
and to the first poster... honestly I wish they would ban divorce... or at least make it EXTREMELY hard to do... maybe then that way people will think before making a life changing decision that can cost thousands upon thousands of dollars and years upon years of heartache... :/ (that is just my opinion as a married woman myself)
I think the ban is sick. Live and let live and keep your freaking ';morals'; to yourself.
The same people who oppose gay marriage now would have been the same ones fighting against Desegregation and Civil rights in the 60's!
it breaks my heart. the state mandates the tearing apart of families? is this really what you want? quit reading your own bigotry into the bible. if you believe every word of leviticus, why dont you go make a sacrifice to azazel.
My opinion does not matter. Every state has the right to establish its own laws regarding matters not in the US Constitution. California voters have had their say and I respect their choice.
It just goes to show we are still a center right Country with some morals and values left. Go ahead and thumbs down me, if I were lying, it wouldn't have passed..would it? lol. Loons abound!!
um i have mixed feelings i don't believe in it but at the same time i don't feel that the government should be able to dictate who people should and can marry...
The people of California have spoken. The law is the law.
I'm glad that democracy triumph, just like democracy supported Obama.
Glad to see California still has some values. They had me worried for a while.
I think that's california's issue. When it is on the ballot for my state, I will vote at that time.
Just as you get to pick who you will marry... Gay's have to right to pick who they want.... Were in America not Iraq
I am in VA, but I still like it. I am just surprised that CA passed it.
Romney 2012
Feeling pretty good..
I feel that people should be able to marry who they love no matter what.
I agree 100%.
We need the FMA.
Bush was right about that.
i dont like it at all
people should have their rights 2 like who they like
The righteous law of the living God, Jesus Christ is in effect even in California.
Glad they banned it ...
It's great!
Come on people, was it ever appealing watching two men make out?
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