I am Mexican living in San Diego and I voted for the ban, I feel that Civil Unions are ok but it should not be called marriage.How do you feel about the gay marriage ban in California?
1. It won't stand.
2. Marriage is not the same, legally or otherwise, as civil unions.
3. The issue is one of constitutional rights. One group has no right to vote away another's rights. If it did, your friends would probably be back in Mexico by now. Remember Prop 187?
Any member of a minority group who votes against the rights of another is a bigot, pure and simple, and a hypocrite, no longer worthy of my support in their own quest for rights.How do you feel about the gay marriage ban in California?
And why do you believe that? Because of religious principles? That same bible also condones polygamous marriage which has been made illegal. It also condones slavery, selling your children off... Lots of stupid things that as society advances it has rejected.
Religious ';marriage'; should be done away with as legally binding and have all partnerships be civil unions in the eyes of the government. And then those that want to be married in the religious institution of their choice may do so, and religious institutions can have their own rules on who they marry. Then everyone has the same level playing field and those that want the extra ';blessing'; of their church, can do so.
The government should not be involved in any kind of religious marriages. And majorities should not be allowed to discriminate against minorities.
Proposition 8 was a mandate by the people of liberal California against those of the gay ideology who would remove the right of parents to disagree with the educational indoctrination of children.
The gay/les crowd will tell the world till they are blue in the face that it is about LOVE, and only LOVE. Only for the few, the deceived. And the domestic terrorism being committed by G/L mobs belie that sentiment.
The G/L plotters wanted to remove any opportunity for any organization, including schools, to disagree with their opinion of what marriage should be. They stood to lose: zero, that is NO rights with the passage of Prop 8, except the right to redefine marriage. For what purpose? Indoctrination of the rising generation. And my guess, for recruitment.
Think this sounds like a rant? All these things have happened in Massachusetts, and have been ';resolved'; in their State Supreme Court (the same one that ';legalized'; marriage for anyone.) Parents only have the option: to remove their children from Mass. schools if they don't want their children taught that gay ';marriage'; is normal and acceptable. This is the ultimate goal of the G/L crowd.
They need to grow up and accept that the democratic process sometimes doesn't go your way. But they won't. They will continue to appeal to unethical, activist judges to sneak in the back door and unravel democracy. If Californians have any sense, they will use whatever legal methods necessary to remove those radical judges as soon as possible.
I would agree. Gay couples already have rights in a civil union. What is the point of forcing people to call it marriage. Who is the husband and who is the wife? While that may sound bigoted to some people, it is the simplest reason to not call it marriage. I now pronounce you husband and wife would have to be changed to something else. Wife and wife? Husband and husband? I don't get it. It isn't marriage.
I think that you voted against giving law-abiding fellow citizens the same civil liberties you enjoy. How sad.
What difference does it make if it's called marriage? All marriages are civil unions, and then you can choose whether or not to have a church bless the union. I don't think that churches should be forced to bless marriages they disapprove of. But what is the difference between a marriage and a civil union, practically speaking? Why get hung up on a word? It's so stupid.
I think it is absolutely ridiculous. I am 100% straight but I am furious at those who voted yes on the ban. It does not affect me, nor any other straight person whether a gay couple is married or not, so why should we ban it? I have always been so proud to have been born and raised here, but now I am not. Funny that hispanics were the number 1 supporters of the ban. Maybe we should secure our borders better so we can get our open-minded, Democratic state back.
if I lived in california I would have voted for prop 8 too. I oppose gay marriage.
I think the whole issue of gays being married is a false choice. We dont need to suddenly change the definition of marriage. We need to give them equal rights of partnership identical to what married people have .....totally and across the board, except that their unions should be called civil unions.
the term married couple should be used to define a man and woman.
The term civil union or gay union should be used to define gays being unioned.
By the way, my reason for opposing gay marriage is not for religious reasons. I am not a mormo, nor am I a right wing religious fringe person. I am a democrat and I voted for obama and all democrats this last election.
Religious factions have been proven wrong so many times in the past that it is starting to be ridicules. That is why they should never be part of politics. I bet some of them still refuse to believe that the Earth is a sphere and not the center of the universe. Good thing some people stood up to them and maid some of them see a shed of light.
Personally I could not care less if a woman want to marry another woman or a man want to marry another man. It won鈥檛 prevent me from sleeping at night. What business do we have dictating anyone if they can marry or not? Is one of the 10 most sacred commandments about respect?
It may be important for a society to have religions but it should not be at the expense of others. If religions and religious people would stick to their 10 commandments nothing more nothing less; things will start going so much better on this world. In my view, it is the only thing that makes sense from them.
If Churches want to discriminate marriage and not perform gay marriage that should be there business but I think we should be civil and mature enough to recognize civil gay marriage and allow gay couples to have the married status.
Gay people can still be in domestic partnerships and have all the same benefits and protections as married couples do. Gays under this type of partnership just are not labeled as a ';Married Couple.'; We technically just abolished that gay people will be labeled as married couples but they can only be called a domestic partnership. I agree with your views completely they just don't have a married title, and that's what all the fuss is about.
To vote for gay marriage is asking the world to change the meaning of the word marriage. Marriage is the union of a man and a woman.
What other words would we be expected to change the meanings on: Automobiles, Flowers, Candy, Construction?
From a human standpoint I feel that we all have the right to make our own decisions. With that right comes an understanding that we may lose one thing for another.
I would agree to calling it a civil union and affording the same sex couples the rights of a married couple. However, if we want a marriage we need to be looking in the opposite direction.
I hope I helped.
I agree. Also it went to a vote and the electorate spoke. Gays can be displeased, but democracy has to be respected by both sides or it doesn't work. The gays do not help their cause by disrespecting a free vote. Just because one group spent more money on fighting for their view (Mormons) is a mute issue. Obama did the same thing and won the presidency and gays aren't complaining. I believe gays have the same rights as me to live their beliefs, but don't expect everyone to love them and agree. I know of lots of straight couples who people also don't approve of for different reasons. There will always be discrimination of different kinds, because we all like and dislike different people and things. It is what makes us individuals. But there are words in the English language that describe and mean certain things. Let gays make up a better word for themselves, and don't let the straight people use it. Marriage is a sacred word to many people who don't agree with the gay lifestyle, and their concerns are just as valid, and they voted to convey those concerns. Like I said ..gays are not helping themselves protesting this.
Homosexuality is unnatural, and with the advent of AIDS has spread more misery and death (including innocents) than any war in mankinds history. And we want to give it the same legitimacy as marriage, which is considered a holy union by every developed culture on earth! What's wrong with this picture? Somehow the mental image of a man withdrawing his probe from the anus of another man (probably smeared with feces) just don't do much for me! (better read this quickly, the moderators of this forum are notorious for defending minority sensibilities)
I live north of Los Angeles, I'm a Republican
I think 8 is discriminatory I voted against it, I voted for equality, Gays have been fighting for this and other basic rights pertaining to discrimination for years, its time they have their way.
What about all the straight couples that are atheist or that are married by the county clerk and a preacher is not required, why does ';Gods Law'; not apply to them.
What about the people in vegas who can marry after only knowing one another for less than a day.
What about the straight couple who ';lived in sin'; for 10yrs before tieing the knot?
Equal rights for all
Personally, I think prop 8 is stupid and should not have even been on the ballot. It was a waste of tax payer's dollar. Because, what you voted was for something that has nothing to do with you (assuming you are heterosexual). Voting for a tax increase, that's understanding. If tax increases, that affects me. Voting for gun control, that's fine. That affects my safety. Voting for same-sex marriage, that has absolutely nothing to do with me whether it's a yes or a no. Basically what I'm doing is ';Hey, look here, I know this has nothing to do with my personal life but because it doesn't fit with my belief (and of course my belief is always right), I'm gonna go ahead and interfere with it.'; Shame on those who voted yes on prop 8!
I feel sad for gay people. Not having something is one thing but giving it to them just to take it away is so much worse. I see nothing wrong with two people of the same sex getting married, especially if they really love each other. Marriage is about love, not law remember? What if you wanted to marry a really sweet girl that you knew was your soul mate and someone forbid you to do it? Its horrible.
Agreed. Marriage is a covenant instituted by God between a man and a woman. It is a religious rite recognized by the government. God would never condone homosexual unions since that is a sinful lifestyle. They can call it Civil Unions because that's all they are.
I voted No, but had mixed feelings. My brother is gay. But now that I see how the cry baby's are protesting their loss, in such a hate filled manner. I regret supporting them, and we never again. The election is over! We lost! Crying to get your way has done nothing but piss people off more, and has harmed their cause greatly.
I am a Christian -and I have to ask -would you want some one to vote against your rights?
What is next -will different cultures and races be banned from marrying ? There are some Christian religions in this country who would do that . Especially between an African American and Anglo -Just ask the Mormon church.
first of all viva la raza! lol
well i think that its their choise, we have no say in it.
if thats what they want then should should be allowed to get married to people of the same sex..its their life not ours..i kno a few gay ppl and i personally think their cool people :]
but there is one thing.i just dont wanna kno what they be doin afterhrs if u kno what i mean lol ;]
It's their issue. We each have our own. When you pass legislation, you ensnare people. When you oppose legislation, you stir them. Do we do good to trade our peace for our principles? Are we right to say that our principles are more important than our peace?
Let them be...Jesus would.
I think it sucks. If they pay taxes, they should have the same rights, everyone else has. If I were gay, I would quit paying taxes. If the IRS wants their damn money, they can come and get it.
Homosexuals want to destroy marriage to less their guilt....thank you for stopping the 2% of Americans who believe in a perverted lifestyle makes a marriage.
shows how much you know. Prop 8 banned civil unions as well...now homosexual partners can't even get on each other's benefit plans.
once again, the ignorant voters failed us all.
I'm not gay and I support gay marriage. I was disappointed that California voted to ban it.
I agree. West Virginian's don't care about gays. They just can't get married. Just like I can't marry my dog, or my brother. It is wrong to call it marriage.
I have no problem with gays marrying. I'm also okay with civil unions, gay or straight.
you voted for legalized discrimination.
wow --men with men
that almost makes me want to puke
wait a minute --i believe i will
Your right, stick to it
I got groped and was proposed to by another man, I felt like a piece of used ';Man Meat'; totally used, glad they banned it, might have got me drunk and took me to Las Vegas and had me married by Elvis. Damn sometimes these laws are a blessing in disguise.
HEY MUTT!! Did you get them ';grilles'; under the new health plan? just wondering I am trying to get some Platinum ones for free.
The ban is a good start, but there shouldn't be civil unions either. We should ban that next.
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