The average length of marriage of a modern British couple who divorce is roughly the same as the 11-15 years spent together by late medieval English peasants, who stayed married until one of them died.
Has the economic freedom and liberated psyche of indian females impacted the age old indian institution of Marriage? How smoothly the marital relations work in Indian society irrespective of above factors? Your views, comments, ideas. Longer Answers will make interesting reading.What does modern life style, educated and earning wife has impact on stability of marriage?
That's interesting. I guess human beings weren't meant to be monogamous. That's kind of disappointing. The notion of soul mates is kind of a nice one.
History readers know that relations between men have always been relations between men and women. In India today, submissive housewives still refuse to cook for their husbands if they get in a fight and stuff like that, and it's been similar in just about every culture you can name. It's not like women were 100% submissive and obedient in any time period.
But that being said, I do think that modern women's liberation has taken its tolls on the modern marriage. Girls are basically raised being told that they'd better look out for themselves and make sure they have their own jobs, or their husband might leave them with nothing. And they're told they better stand up for themselves if they're ever abused.
Although young girls are told these things with good intentions, it's my opinion that it's impossible to have a successful relationship with anyone who's constantly on guard and quick to snap at the slightest chance that you might be taking advantage of her. You just can't have intimacy that way. It's a situation of ';The operation was a success, but the patient died.'; Although the feminist movement has improved the condition of women, it's worsened the condition of society--including the women in it. At least, that's my opinion.
But that being said, your study is interesting, and even in the '50s before women's lib, there were a lot of jokes about how miserable people were in marriage. So maybe we just weren't meant to be monogamous. I don't think that the divorce rate would be 50% in the absence of feminism, but it would likely still be somewhat high.
EDIT: See B*tchKit's answer for an example of the kind of always on guard, quick to snap female I was talking about earlier.
Also see Anita's. It's clear this chick's never been in a relationship if she thinks that. This is exactly the kind of lunatic feminist fundamentalist thinking that has destroyed marriage.What does modern life style, educated and earning wife has impact on stability of marriage?
NO. What has in fact impacted and cut short the life span of married life of a couple, is the paranoid mentality of the 'man', who sees his economically free and liberated wife as a potential threat to his (erstwhile) unquestionable and obtuse reign. Such a distorted psyche has prematurely aborted the institution of marriage at least in India.
I'll say this much, that unless man and woman look eye to eye and work shoulder to shoulder (literally), dismissing the warped idea of the so- called man's role and woman's role in married life, its downhill to the institution of marriage anywhere in the world.
Think over it.
Nothing of the sort will help the stability. You can only eradicate misunderstandings only by using common sense, logic, observation and understanding.
The increase in women working instead of staying home with the children (when they HAVE THE CHOICE) is directly proportional to the increase in divorce so I have to say yes. that women have more positive options (than EVER before) we're only inclined to put up with as much bullsh*t as we want to.
When enough's enough...enough IS enough.
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