Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Why is McCain ignoring that Romney & the Mormon Church is seeking to overturn gay marriage rights?

. . . and the initiative on the presidential ballot (Proposition 8), that the Mormons are promoting in their churches, like just last Sunday with their memo from their President Monson?

I though non-profit churches were not suppose to have anything to do with politics, and that they are not suppose to send out political memos and political letters to their congregations. Looks like the Mormons are going to try and squash the marriage rights of gay and lesbians in California, and the Republicans are helping them.

Interesting stuff.Why is McCain ignoring that Romney %26amp; the Mormon Church is seeking to overturn gay marriage rights?
i am hopping McCain pick Romney for his VP it would sure mean more trouble for McCain campaign .Why is McCain ignoring that Romney %26amp; the Mormon Church is seeking to overturn gay marriage rights?
The IRS has a section of their website that covers this:鈥?/a> Lots of different articles and such to read on the subject.

But in short, religious organizations that are tax exempt (such as the LDS) are expected to take stances on politics that have a moral issue at the heart of it (such as abortion and gay marriages).

';Under the Internal Revenue Code, all section 501(c)(3) organizations are absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office. ';鈥?/a>

Here is more info in greater detail: and here:
That's good news .

Now if the Mormon Church would go after illegal aliens , I might convert .

Not anti gay .

Not racist .

Just a hard working American tired of the compassionate B.S and political correctness that's turning us into a liberal cesspool , Thank you very little .
Gay marriage will get squashed in California in November. You can count on it. Hopefully Obama will get caught in the quagmire.
I believe if God wanted marriage between two people of the same sex He would have just made another Adam and kept Eve out of the picture. There were certainly more ways to arrange for the species to regenerate than imitating apes.
he knows its the right thing to do, but does not want the media to jump all over it and turn it against his run for office
My answer is GOOD!
I think the Mormon church has every right to promote the passage of the Utah ballot measure, especially if they feel strongly about marriage being between one man and one woman, or in some of their cases, several women.

Mormonism seems to be a lot like Judaism, more than a religion - but a way of life in itself. It has rules and regulations for every aspect of a person's life, just like Judaism. That they call their leader ';president'; speaks volumes to the influence their church has on their lives. They are required to tithe at least 10% of their income, so I doubt that it is a ';non-profit'; church, so the IRS regulations concerning political activism probably don't hold true. Those regulations are a bunch of BS anyway - I have seen many democrat candidates speak from the pulpits of churches - Bill Clinton being one of the worst offenders, followed by Barak Obambi.

I am a Catholic, and since marriage is a sanctified rite of the Catholic Church, I find the idea of two gay men or two lesbos swapping spit at the altar very offensive and will do my best to promote the passage of California's Constitutional amendment banning gay marriage on the ballot this coming November.

This is not just a partisan measure - it is supported by both democrats and republicans who believe in the sanctity of marriage and the need to protect the traditional family unit from the gay and lesbian agenda.

Homosexuality concerns less that 5% of the population, yet their agenda is being rammed down the throats of the other 95% of us. Our children are being indoctrinated towards the gay life style in our schools and we are being forced to accept them as ';normal'; everywhere we go.

Yes -- I am a heterosexual HOMOPHOBE. And proud of it!

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