I feel that if gay people aren't going to be discriminated against anymore because states are allowing them to be married then why do the states continue to discriminate against polygamy? After all, Mormons are US citizens just like homosexual people are.
Is polygamy being discriminated against because it's not a lifestyle choice like homosexuality but a religion?Does anyone think polygamy should be allowed in this country since states are now accepting gay marriage?
Polygamy is illegal in all States, but it is generally tolerated until someone complains or other issues expose it. Which means that polygamy exists without much interference from law enforcement. Very Very Very few Mormons practice polygamy and other people and groups practice it too. Maybe it should be allowed by law.
Also not all polygamists are religious or marry for that purpose. In fact most are not.
I support the rights of gay people to marry one another because it is not my business whom marries whom and it in no way affects the sanctity of my heterosexual marriage or anyone Else's.Does anyone think polygamy should be allowed in this country since states are now accepting gay marriage?
You're just saying that because Barack Obama said so
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Well polygamy is something that could be allowed, but is more difficult to attain in society. Second there are religious practices that are clearly against the law...for example if you believe in human sacrifice.
people used to use the argument of ';their understanding of a family'; when talking about interracial families.
Same-same sex marriage should be allowed READ THE 14th Amendment!!!!!
Also, read the Treaty of Tripoli Article 11. It was signed by President Jefferson and approved by the congress.
If you disagree with gay marriage, fine. Then just don't do it. But do not try to tell others who are in love and deeply committed to one another that they can't do it. Because if you do, then you are denying them their constitutional rights.
Polygamy is one man having more than one wife at the same time and, is not the same as gay marriage at all. The Mormon church does not approve of polygamy since the 1890's.
Polygamy brings up a whole host of problems.
I don't have a problem with either gay marriage or polygamy and do not think legalizing either one will have any effect on my, or any other, heterosexual monogamous marriage. After all, polygamy has been the norm over most of human history and we survived this long. Just keep them both between consenting adults.
I am an ex Mormon who despises polygamy although I support gay marriage.
Homosexuality is losing its hated status because we now know that it isn't a choice, it's inborn.
You do realize this question gets asked at least once a day here. It sure gets old.
Gay bashers have no legitimate excuses anymore so they revert to fear mongering, just like race haters did when mixed race marrige was legalized 30 years ago.
The Mormon Church hasn't sanctioned polygamy since 1890. That being the case it is unclear how same sex marriage is discriminatory to Mormons. And yes, polygamy is a choice (not a religion) while homosexuality is not a choice. Did you choose to be straight? If you didn't why would you think someone else chose to be gay?
The legal contract of marriage (not the religious act of marriage) should be granted to any two adults (18 and older).
Religions should govern marriage in their own way however to receive the correct legal benefits a couple should also marry in the eyes of the law. Again - any two consenting adults.
I don't know the law in America, but where I'm from the law doesn't say marriage is between a man and a woman. Yet theres no gay marriage or civil partnership. I'm not asking to change the law, just follow the constitution word for word on that piece.
Am I the only gay or bi dude who thinks those Mormon dudes in the white dress shirts,badges and dress pants who go around hassling people kinda hot? Is it 'wrong' to think this and does the Catholic Church consider checking out Mormon dudes a mortal sin?
No, polygamy is being discriminated against because it is a lifestyle choice, and not a state of being.
i see no reason to stop people from forming multiple partner marriages, if all three ( or six or ten) people love each other then why shouldn't they marry .
Polgamy is the thing were men can marry more than one wife!? Then hell no!! I wouldn't dream of sharing my man with another hussie. Thats disguisting. You kiss him you kissing 20 other woman. NO NO NO NO NO
nope. bad form.
commitment and sluttiness are totally different
yah, for consenting adults - not 14 year olds (*cough* jack mormons)
You know what? Having a problem with gay marriage is one thing. I don't like it when people say that I shouldn't be allowed to marry my girlfriend, but I move on, since I can anyway.
But for you to suggest that we somehow cannot be a family. That, were we to be married, were we to have children, you would deny the word 'family' to us... Well, that hurts a lot more. Just so you know.
The difference, by the way, between legalizing gay marriage and polygamous marriage is that being gay is NOT a choice, while being polygamous is.
While I have no problem with polygamy, I don't see how it could fir in to the legal sense of marriage. It is designed for two people, male or female makes little difference. But what would keep someone from marrying multiple people just to increase tax breaks? Would there be a limit to the number of spouses? Would they each be married to each other person, or would there be one person married to all the others?
If a system can be created where no one will be taken advantage of, I see no problem with polygamous marriage, providing everyone is over the age of consent.
Polygamy cannot be legalized. The reason is because marriage is a legal contract (yes that is all it is) and the rights and benefits can only be shared by 2 people.
For example, one of the rights and benefits of marriage is your spouse can make important medical decisions for you should you be medically incompetant to make your own decisions. What if a husband who has 7 wives is in a coma, and it's up to the 7 wives to make decisions. What if they don't agree?
Another example, one of the rights and benefits of marriage is joint-bank account. The husband can access all of his wives money, but they cannot acces each others? Like, how exactly would that work?
But even if the obstacles were somehow overcome, then I have zero problems with legalized polygamy. I personally do not believe a family can function like that, but that doesn't mean I don't support it. If people want polygamy, then why should I care? I'm certainly not going to make a fuss about it. But it's the government's decision to allow it or disallow it.
By the way, homosexuality is NOT a choice. People cannot choose who they love, or what sexually excites them. Yes, they can choose to resist those feelings, but that would cause unhappiness. There's no need for people to be unhappy to please society.
First of all 99% of Mormons or LDS are not polygamists, it is thier break away sect the FLDS, who represent a much smaller fraction of the Mormon population.
Second, there are 10,000 FLDS members in the states, per Wikipedia. Now the % of homosexuals is between 2% and 13%, considering the population of the US is approaching 300M, that would mean that there are somewhere between 6,000,000 and 39,000,000 homosexuals in the states. Changing the laws is difficult and costly, I doubted that the law will ever change to encompass the rights of the 10,000 FLDS members. Plus FLDS is just awful they have incest, abuse children and force children and women into marriages, take away women's rights and etc. Gay people are just regular, everyday law obiding citizens who want to have a right to enter a hostpital room of their wife or husband or have the rights to their children or be able to make healthcare decisions for their loved ones. So you are comparing apples and oranges. Naturally, you are a homophobe and find both ways immoral, however I strongly beleive that religion should stay out of government, because otherwise the United States of America will turn into United Arab Emirates in no time.
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