Sunday, May 9, 2010

How will gay marriage benefit straight people?

Im wondering how will gay marriage benefit straight people. Is there anyways it will?How will gay marriage benefit straight people?
';Marriage'; is a legal contract that means that if there are children involved, child support will have to be paid should they break up...

Better cared for children make a better society in general.

But the fact of the matter is that equality benefits all by the simple fact that discrimination drags a whole society down.

There shouldn't HAVE to be a net gain for straight people for ALL to be seen as equal under the law.

';Separate Yet Equal'; is NOT the rally cry of the founding fathers...How will gay marriage benefit straight people?
Our desire to be afforded the equal right to legal recognition of our marital relationships has absolutely nothing to do with benefitting straight people, any more than straight marriage is designed to benefit *us*.

All of society benefits when it's observation of civil rights is all-inclusive. If straight people benefit, then good for them. Isn't it time we stopped seeing this from a heterosexist point of view and acknowledge that the *denial* of this right is harming and entire segment of society?

Frankly, I don't *care* if straight people benefit. It is likely that they will, and bully for them. What I care about is that straight people are benefitting from MY TAX DOLLARS in a way that I am not! That means that my money is being taken out of my pocket, for the benefit of my oppressors.
It shouldn't have to benefit straight people. When it comes to racism, would desegregation raise the same questions for you?

Gay marriage will improve the global economy by trillions. See here:…

Also, there will be less kids in orphanages (we can finally adopt as couples!) and kids will grow up in happy, loving families. One big myth is that children with gay marriage are subjected to hate because they are exposed to homophobia. Using the same argument a person could say that interracial marriages and individuals of interracial ancestry shouldn’t marry because of racism. The second myth is that children raised by homosexuals will grow up to be gay. Gays, politcians, religious liberals, and human sexuality researchers have reached a consensus saying that people do not choose sexuality. Studies show that children raised by homosexuals actually discriminate less or not at all! Isn’t that something we all want for our children?

Also, you will have us shut up. No more gay rights protestors. And instead of debating homosexuality in the courts, we can focus on other pressing issues. I dunno, like the war and the economy and stuff.

Using ones religion to force another person of a different religion to be forbid of matrimony is wrong and should be changed. Being gay is natural and we should not be denied our human rights. Should we rewrite the constitution to say “and justice for all the white, rich, heterosexual, republican Americans” or shall we really attempt to restore justice in today’s society?
Why should something that is suppose to be given to us do to equal rights suppose to have a benefit for straight people? A benefit is we will stop talking about how we are treated differently because we are not allowed to marry. I guess that seems fair.
Why should something that should be an automatic rite be made out to ';benefit'; straight people?

Marriage benefits the two...count them....TWO (2) people involved in that marriage.
Do straight people benifit gay people? It would improve the economy by billions if it were legalized worldwide.
How does straight marriage benefit gay people?a marriage is a legal contract and only benefits the married couple.
Well since 95% of Gay people come from Straight people it would allow Straight people's gay children to grow up and have equal rights. What parent wouldn't want the best for their kid.
I don't think marriage really ';benefits'; anyone. It just is.
It won't really, but I guess we won't be annoying anymore (if you think fighting for our rights is obnoxious in the first place).
a straight couple that has a gay child will be able to see him or her get married.
  • gloss
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