Sunday, May 9, 2010

When is animal marriage going to be legal?

WIth ';civilized'; society being on the verge of radically changing already-established institutions and customs in western culture by allowing gay-marriage, I was just wondering when having sex with a goat (or any other kind of animal) will be considered socially acceptable. Also when do you think that animal-marriage will be legal?When is animal marriage going to be legal?
Shortly after animals get the vote. Right now, a jackass can be elected to office but not vote.

(Will elephants always vote Republican?)When is animal marriage going to be legal?
Are you seriously equating homosexuals to animals? What the heck is wrong with you? There's a HUGE difference between consenting adults having a relationship and a person forcing themselves on someone or something that can't consent. Consensual sex between to legal adults is not rape.

In the U.S. at least, it will NEVER be legal to marry when you don't have consent from two legal adults who are capable of consenting. Animals can't consent. People who are brain dead can't consent. People who are drugged can't consent. Goodness gracious, it's common sense.
That's a slippery slope argument. Gay-marriage does not logically lead to marriage with an animal. By the way - the 'traditional' definition of marriage is ';Between a man and a woman of the same race.'; So if you want to get technical, it's already changed.
In American society it probably never will be. However in some African as well as south american indian cultures, sex between humans and animals was not only legal but socially acceptable.

Although outlawed in most countries, bestiality is actually legal in several US states.
It will be legal when you graduate college after majoring in '; not asking stupid questions 101'; So I guess the world is safe from this never being legal.
with the way things are going maybe in like 20 years

ugh, people have something wrong with them. how could you seriously be in a ';relationship'; with an animal. disgusting
I thought it was legal in places like Arkansas, Mississippi and New Jersey.
As soon as they learn to sign a marriage contract.
Probably not in your lifetime. I think you are out of luck on this one.
Somewhere in the world I'll bet it already is.

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